Prologue-A Decision

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First Person-Oliver

Beep* *Beep* *Be-

I shut my alarm clock off as my eyes fluttered. I looked at the time, 7:20. The same exact time on the same exact day. Tuesday, debatably the worst day. However despite being on the early shift, today will still be a good day. As I sat up my shirt fell down from being lifted up during the night.

I started walking on the soft rug that transitioned to cold hard wood flooring. I finally got the the freezing tile in the bathroom, I grabbed my tooth brush and squirted the acidic flavored mint tooth paste on. For a full 2 minutes I moved the brush throughout my mouth getting every corner. After that I quickly took a sip of my mouthwash. I swished it around and spit it out into the sink, wiping my mouth off to take a shower.
(A/N) How I hope everyone brushes their teeth

I put my clothes on, the same work uniform. The same person looking back to me in the mirror with chocolate brown eyes. I went to the kitchen which lead to the front door, grabbed my keys and locked my apartment up.

I made my way through the restless crowd, despite being early morning everyone had somewhere and someplace to be at the time. I got onto the subway, there was every seat taken. I took a handle bar from above. 'To the bakery we go.' I thought solemnly to myself.

I walked on the hard cement it was now 7:50 on the dot. I made my way the welcoming and live bakery window. 'So so early yet this place is still as loud as ever.' I open the door and hear the ringing of the classic bell up above.

"Oli!!! Just the person I needed," Shouted a rather familiar neon haired girl.

"Sarah, good morning! Up early aren't we?" I retroded in a not as loud voice but just as happy one.

"Hey, mind trying a macadamia nut muffin? Fresh out of the oven." Sarah said in no delay.

"You know I do," I said in an even happier tune, Sarah has always made the best pastries.

"Okay, also I took your cakes out of the fridge for you to frost." Sarah said as she handed me a muffin from the back.

"Yeah, Mrs.Norberry needs it for her son's birthday this Wednesday." I said, taking a bite out of the muffin. I went to the hanger that had my apron on it as I finished my muffin. Finally I found the apron that said in crisp lettering 'Oliver' I tied it around my back and headed to my station,
'Off to work I go.'

I looked at my phone 3:00 p.m, "Hey, Sarah I gonna head out my shift is over!" I said in a loud voice, over the even louder bakery.

"Okay, make sure to get home safely."
She said in a rather motherly tone, for I have had many 'incidents' when returning home.

"Bye, have a good day. Also don't forget about the ice cream cake in the back, it for Johnson!" I said in a just as parental tone as her.

I made my way out of the bakery. 'Im thinking about heading to that new shop that just opened a month ago.'

I read the sign above the glass door, 'Your future lies here.' 'Yeah, no... But the next few minutes off it does' I entered the shop. I saw many random things all over the place. However my eyes landed upon a glass labeled 'Blue Rasberry' So I obviously took it, I walked to the desk in perfect timing a person walked out from the 'Staff only' door.

"Hello I am so glad you've chosen to shop with us, and you have a wonderful pick there." The person said in a welcoming voice.

"Oh yeah I just came from next door, the bakery."

"How wonderful, we can always smell the pastries from in here"

"Yeah, anyways I'm going to check out now." I swiped my card, then signed the little tablet on the desk.

"Thank you, come again after all your future lies here!"

"Will try, thank you have a nice day." I walked down the street 4:30 p.m. 'Oh my I spent awhile in there' I ran to the subway, juice in hand. There were free seats this time, not being 5:00 yet. I sat down and drank my Blue Rasberry' juice I got from the shop.

I twisted my keys in the all familiar door. Once I was finally in I set my keys on the table and flopped on the couch. 'Why am I so tired it's only 5:30, maybe the juice had something in it?' I turned on the T.V, everything was a blurry from then on until I fell asleep.

I felt the sun shine on my face as I woke up.... Wait sun, but I'm on the couch. I opened my eyes just as a rushing headache came across me. I started to see memories of Lucille? 'Wait he's the antagonist in 'Love is difficult but so is my personality' book'

I got up and made my way to the reflective glass and saw my self. My once brown hair was now an almost white like blonde that shined, I had now blue eyes that were once brown.

'Wait didn't Lucille have brown hair and black eyes in the book?' I started to go through my newfound memories. 'This is all so shocking, don't only royal family members of the Rosetta family have these features?'

I stared endlessly at the ice like glass. It felt like a thousand swords were stabbing me in the head as memories rushed through my brain.

As everything came flooding in my mind, I tried to piece together things as they came along. 'Wait so Lucille is apart of the royal family, then what does that make the female-lead, Evelyn the main protagonist of the story 'Love is Difficult But So am I."

'No this can't be happening, how? I- it doesn't make sense, does that mean I'll go into despair?" I looked at myself astonished.

In the book Lucille got beheaded for trying to kill Evelyn in the main storyline, you see no matter the ending of the book Lucille and his family always got executed or banished one by one.

'I have to change his fate no matter what, no I have to change my fate and his family's. As I've read the book, I was able to see Lucille's mistakes, I won't make the same mistakes though because I already know the not so happy ending'

Word Count: 1011

Word Count Edited:1167

(A/N)- Hey this is my first book, I am open to any suggestions and tips. I hope you enjoy my series. I will try to update every 2 weeks however I will be unable to mid April because of testing.

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