Chapter 11-Tea with Milk

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After the unfamiliar voice spoke I blanked out, passing out. 'Ow my body hurts like hell-' I tried to scratch my head, however my hands were restricted. My eyes shot open, my head was lying back as my neck was craned. I lifted it up groaning in the process it hurt 10 times worse than the rest of my body. As I did I noticed someone sitting across from me, wait is that, "Tarian?" I sat there confused for a second.

"Oh wow sleeping beauty knows my name, I'm surprised."

"Oh Tarian stop being like that." A dark skinned girl yelled from the right of me. "Hi, my names Enya."

"Oh I'm Lucille," We all sat there for a second in pure silence. A bell rang off in my head. "Oh my god we are wearing different clothes!"

"You just noticed that-" Tarian shouted across the rather abnormally shaped table, going against the restraints that were also around their wrists.

"I'm sorry my head is still all jumbled up from earlier!" I yelled right back at them.

Tarian looked at me with a confused look on their face, their red bob of hair staying still, "What do you mean by earlier? I just passed out, not to sure about Enya over there."

"Oh well I did pass out, however I was in a forest where everything was super loud and it was raining, well pouring. So I doubt you went through that experience," I shivered as I remembered the past events that I had experienced prior.

"Fair enough, fair enough," Tarian sighed.

"Really? For me I was stuck in a blizzard after being separated from my group." As Enya spoke the last part of her sentence it looked as if a light bulb went off in Tarian's head.

"Hey Lucille did you get separated from your group too?"

"Yeah, we were walking and our lanterns went out. Next thing I knew there was monster like creatures that had replaced them." I fiddled with the hem of the dress shorts that had been put on me. I tried blowing a ribbon out of my face but failed as my head was angled down.

Tarian spoke up, "That seems to be a common factor between all three of us then." There was a loud voice that came from the direction opposite of Enya.

"Oh what smart dolls you all are." There was then as masked person that appeared, it covered their entire face and had the classic theater smile on it. It held gold details  with pops of color in the form of flowers. It was actually really nice. However when I made eye contact with them their was just souless pits of black staring back, I then noticed their smile was the same as we're their eyes would be.

Surprisingly it was Enya who spoke up first, "I'm assuming your our captor." She held a cold scowl.

"Yes, yes, yes I am young lady! Such a good observation!"The masked person moved their hands dramatically and frantically increasing their presence.

I felt something wrap around my waist and heard a lock snap as the cuffs around my wrists unlocked. I rubbed them seeing bruises that had formed. The mysterious person spoke up again, "Now let's all have some tea," they opened their arms wide their rather large and flowy sleeves following their movements in big movements.

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