Chapter 4-Keep Looking Forward

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First Person-Lucille

When I say some of these people are dumb as rocks, I mean they are dumb as rocks. Lady luck was definitely not on my side today because no one I knew was in any of my other classes. I mean granted that's not a lot of people but still.

The clock ticked by as it was only 12:37 yet still everyone in my creative writing class still don't know the difference between a verb, adjective, and noun.

There was a scratching noise by the window. My head turned before I thought any longer about it. I felt my life flash before my eyes as a rock heaved towards the window. It proceeded to bounce back to the ground.

As my head leaned downwards trying to see where it came from I saw a figure retrieving the rock. The unknown figure turned around. The figure looked somewhat familiar, 'long purple hair... Alibis?' I looked down with a shocked expression. He then lifted his head aiming for another throw. Our eyes met, he then moved his position to wave excessively at me jumping up and down.

He then pouted to the window, making the motion to pull it up. My arms crossed in to an x, he then proceeded to do a pleading motion. I looked back to the front of the classroom ignoring him. I was starting to get sleepy so I leaned against the glass. My eyes started to drop struggling to keep open. 'So.... Sleepy.' I then heard something crash against the window. My body jumped up out of my skin. I looked down to the guilty person down below. His smirk held high getting ready for another pitch. I shuddered at the thought of it. In a daze I opened the window.

"Heads up," grinned Alibis.

"Wait, slow down I-" I tried to shout but suddenly there was an impact on my head. It started to bleed as it healed the droplets of blood rolling down my face. Now I am not one to cry but this body is really fragile. When I looked at my reflection in the mirror my eyes were blood shot. I could feel them well up as my vision grew increasingly blurry. The droplets rolled down my cheeks to my chin mixing with blood in the process.

I could here whispers behind me as I tried to calm myself down. The key word is 'tried' The blood had stopped flowing and went away as fast as it came as the wound healed up. However liquid kept on flowing out of my eyes tasting the saltiness of it sometimes.

It was another minute until I was able to stop. I turned my head down to Alibis, him looking as if he killed a puppy. He mouthed 'I'm sorry' I silently flipped him off as I looked down at him. He pouted in forgiveness as I looked and closed the window.

However this time when I looked at the clock it was 1:10. I decided to hand in the paper we were doing and sat back down to draw. Time seemed to warp again as I soon found out class was dismissed again.

I felt joy wash over my for my final class, which was just a gardening class. Every day the class at the end of the day would switch which I was grateful for.

I waited for the twins at the front, our 'parents' had requested for us to walk home together. Finally they were next to me talking however it felt unsettling because of their different appearances. All of our feet trudged behind one another making our way back to our house. It felt like a weight was lifted off my chest when we got through the barrier, everything was more normal I guess. 'But is it normal?' My brain said s I made my way to my room.

I landed on the plush bed wondering, 'This isn't normal,' my thoughts started to wonder as I thought of all the people that I had known that I'll never see again. A wave of sadness washed over my as I started to cry. 'How come I adapted so easily to this? It's all my fault I left them.' Tears started to stream down my face my throat feeling soar.

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