Finale: How to be Happy

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"You damn brat! I raised you better than this!" The voice rang out, as Okawa looked up. 
On the stairs was his father, holding a heavy math book. 

"Seriously? You're going to be our prodigy! Our Legacy! You're just a disappointment, a total waste of 16 years."

"I don't need to please you. I don't need to satisfy you. I don't do this for you, you bastard father."
"WHAT WAS THAT?!" He said, as Okawa ran to the kitchen. As his dad followed, he looked at the window, shattered and Okawa gone. He ran outside and saw his son running in the cold rain, as the fog swallowed his only hope for the Shincho family to continue.

Back in the present.

Okawa and Kokoru stared, as Okawa's eyes locked onto Kokoru's eye. His eyes burnt with a thirst for justice, while Kokoru's eye showed hesitation, worried of killing the man he tried to make amends with.

Kokoru turned and ran up the stairs, as Okawa sprinted after him. Kokoru stumbled up two sets of stairs, as Okawa slowly caught up to him. Okawa tackles Kokoru to the ground, as Kokoru's chin slams the stone floor. As he pushes Okawa off, he realizes he's only on the 3rd floor, the highest being the 8th floor. 

"Shit.. that hurt." Kokoru says, as he stands up.

Okawa throws a punch at Kokoru's face, as Kokoru dodges to the left and hits Okawa in the side. Okawa barely flinches, as Okawa slams his knee into Kokoru's side. As Kokoru staggers, Okawa throws a roundhouse kick at Kokoru's face, hitting him. Kokoru stumbles, as Okawa smirks.

"Where'd you learn to kick like that?"
"Learned it from Rhed. You're 'friend'. "

Kokoru, now with his back to the stairs, sprints up the stairs again, as Okawa follows. Kokoru runs up two floors before stopping at the armory, as Okawa falls behind.

Kokoru looks around and grabs the nearest blunt object: a wooden plank.

Okawa runs into the armory as Kokoru slams the board into his stomach. As Okawa staggers, he picks up a claymore on the wall behind him. Kokoru turns around behind him and grabs a thick tree branch, as Okawa swings at his torso. The branch blocks it, as Kokoru begins to back up to the outside of the armory, onto the castle walls. As Okawa keeps swinging, the branch gets less and less sturdy. Okawa throws a powerful swing at the branch, snapping it and cutting Kokoru's ribcage, as Kokoru begins to bleed from his side.

"KKGH! Rrgh.. can't keep playing the good guy, I'll have to fight back!" Kokoru says, as he punches Okawa in the face. He grabs the blade in Okawa's hands and throws it off the edge. Kokoru slams Okawa into the castle wall, as bricks began to fall from the giant wall in front of them.

Kokoru looked at the holes in the wall, just big enough not to fit through, but to climb. Kokoru began to climb the stone walls, as Okawa woke from his sleep and began to chase after Kokoru.


"I have to go! They're going to kill each other!" Yuki said, as he left Fruity and Kamaye and ran to the Yamagashi Castle.

Yuki sprinted, as people cleared her way. as sweat ran down her face, as tears ran down her eyes, she ran as fast as she could.

"Excuse me! You!" Yuki said, as the man looked over at her.

"Uh, y-"
"Which way is the Yamagashi Castle?" Yuki asked the blonde man, as he looked around.

"Uh.. I think-"

"SORRY! It's down a couple blocks that way." Fuben said, as Yuki nodded and ran in the direction he said.

"Hm. I feel like I know her. She was rushing out of love, I could see it in her eyes. I h-"

How to be Happy Segment #1Where stories live. Discover now