Chapter 7: An Empty Mind

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"Kkkgh!" Okawa said through his teeth, while Kokoru held his fist. Rhed stood up and took Akira to the southwest hallway, while Fruity disappeared into the ring that formed around Okawa and Kokoru.

Okawa freed his wrist from Kokoru, but Kokoru threw up his leg, hitting Okawa in the ear. Okawa, disoriented, throws a punch that hit Kokoru in his stomach, pushing him onto the ground. Okawa regains his balance, as Kokoru didn't fall from that gut punch. The two of them lock eyes; Kokoru's eyes still empty, while Okawa's eyes fill with confused anger. Okawa sprints towards Kokoru, and Kokoru runs toward him as well. Suddenly.. 

"HEY, STOP FIGHTING!" Said a teacher pulling Okawa away, while Kokoru talks to a teacher about what happened. The two of them walk to the headmaster's office, while Fruity walks toward the boys bathroom. Yuki goes to patch up Rhed and comfort Akira, and the school goes back to normality.

"We're going to call your parents, and we'll get their phone numbers by chec-"

"I don't have any."
"I don't have any." 

They both said in synchronization. The two of them looked at each other, now with a look of familiarity before being cut short by the teacher. 
"I'm gonna let you two go, but you'll need to fix yourselves. This is a school, not a goddamn fight club. Come on, goddammit." He said, frustrated at them.

"We got the gist, I'm leaving." said Kokoru, now exiting the principal's office.

"I'll be heading out as well." Said Okawa, now outside of the principal's office, walking to lunch.

As soon as he entered, he saw Koko helping Fruity with his nose, as Akira and Yuki patch up Rhed's scratch on his forehead.

"Hey Rhed, you alright?" Okawa asked him, as everyone turned to see Okawa.

"I got lucky, like always. I just barely missed a fork that would've hit my head." Rhed said, while being helped by Akira. 
Oddly enough, Yuki just stared at Okawa. Not a bad one, just one of confusion.

"You alright Yuk-"

"Can I talk to you in the hallway?" She asked me with worry in her voice.

As Okawa walked over, Fruity looked over at him, in respect. 
"He can pack a punch, wonder where he learned that." Kokoru said.
"Yeah, respect him all you want. He hurt you, I'll get back at him someday." Said Fruity, curling his hand into a fist.

"Relax. We've already jeopardized our plan enough. We're waiting it out." Kokoru said, now leaning against the table.

Okawa made it into the hallway, and sat down next to Yuki, and she began explaining.

"A few days ago, you only wanted me gone. Hell, I'm sure you wanted me dead like the rest of them. So why are you treating me so kindly? What are you trying to get out of me?" She asked, as Okawa just looked at her in confusion.

"You're the first friend I've made in 2 years. I trust you with my house and life, Yuki. You managed to change me. So yeah, I care about it. So what?" Okawa said, his composure thrown out the window. 
Yuki smiled, as the two of them walked back to the table Akira and Rhed were on. 

After 4th block, Okawa walked home with Yuki, Akira, and Rhed. As Rhed and Yuki laughed and conversed, Okawa began walking along side Akira, who was fixated on Rhed.

"Akira, you ok?" Okawa asked her, trying to block her vision to Rhed.

"Rhed's not taken, right?" Akira asks Okawa, pushing him back.

"N-No, he's not. Why do yo-"

"Good." Akira says, pulling Rhed to her house, as Yuki and Okawa are left speechless.

As Okawa brings Yuki to her house, he wishes her goodbye as he walks back to his house. In the afternoon, Okawa's doorbell rings. As he goes down to answer it, He's greeted with his friend Rhed, with messed up hair and wrinkled clothes.

"Rhed? What happened?" Okawa asked, while gesturing that he come inside.

"We're going to the park." Rhed said, while smiling and laughing like a dork.

"And then she like brought me to her place, right? Dude that was MAGICAL man!" Rhed said, while waving his arms and moving around like a dork.

"Rhed, don't you think you should keep this between you and Akira?" Okawa questioned, now disgusted in what he just heard.

"I should, but you're my friend. And dude, can I just say: she's so ho-"

"Do you smell something cooking?" Okawa asked, standing up.

"Yeah, wai-" Rhed began to cough, as he stood up and began to search.


Fruity and Kokoru begin walking home. Kokoru stares blankly at the floor while Fruity walks alongside him. Fruity, sneakily, mmoves himself closer and closer to Kokoru. Eventually, Fruity's begins moving his hand closer to Kokoru's, without saying a word. 

Suddenly, they're blinded by pitch black smoke. 

"AGH! KOKORU?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Fruity exclaimed, as he began to flail and panic. Kokoru grabs his hand and throw him out of the smoke.

"Call the fire department, I gotta know who's house this is and help anyone inside." Kokoru said, while entering through the broken window. 

Kokoru searched, burning his left hand on the burning hot boards. He noticed this and was disappointed, because he couldn't even feel the sensation of pain in his arm. He began to recollect himself, and looked at a picture on the desk. 

It was a picture of Okawa. Okawa's house was now on fire. 

"Oh crap." Kokoru said, while backing out of the house into the black smoke. He cleared his way and looked down the street, to see Rhed and Okawa, standing there in shock.

"This looks really bad, but I'll explain once you're calm enough to listen." Kokoru said, while running away back into the smoke.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY DAMN HOUSE?!" Okawa said, while threatening to run after him. Suddenly.

Sirens rang out, Sirens of the Fire Department.

Rhed grabbed Okawa and pulled him away, as the fire truck cam to a halting stop and began to spray the burning remnant of the house.

1 hour later..

Kokoru, after running for a while, finally made it to Fruity's home. He opened the door and entered the house, only to be greeted to rose petals, leading up the stairs.

"Fruity?" Kokoru rang out, hoping for a response. A response never came.

He began walking up the stairs and opened the only door there. Inside awaited Fruity, now in a Tuxedo and waiting for Kokoru on the bed, inviting him on.

"What is this?" Kokoru asked, confused.

"Have you not seen through my signs yet, Koko? I can't keep this beating rush inside of my heart whenever I see you, and when you grab my hands, my heart began bursting." Fruity said, leaving Kokoru shell-shocked

"I love you, Koko." 

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