Chapter 5: How to Function

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      "Hey Koko, what are your thoughts on love? Also, do you think same sex marriage should be legal here?" Fruity spoke while swinging on the rusted swings. I guess I have to answer.

"Legal? Yes. Is it right? Your answer is mine." I answered to fruity, making his face twist in confusion.
"I uh...." He stretch his words, before stopping completely. 

As expected, Okawa entered the playground, as Fruity's eyes widened. I don't think I told him about this part of the plan. I knew exactly that he'd come here, which is why we didn't exit the neighborhood after I dropped of the note.

"Hey, what're you looking at? Get out of-"
"Shut up Fruity." How peculiar. His eyes look.. protective. His question is going to be about Akira, but I didn't mean to analyze her in a way that would make her feelings broken. 

"Heh, what brings you here, Okawa? You look troubled." I said regularly, in hopes that he'd understand what I'm trying to imply. He looked scared, I made his heart jump. Fruity's ready to jump and attack him, but I have to calm him down.

"So..? What's your question?" I asked, now interested in Okawa even more. I knew he was the right choice for the Yamagashi castle. We struck gold, Fruity!

"Why did you make Akira cry? Answer me that first." He asked, determination spilt from his words, it managed to rattle me slightly. Is this what feeling is? I guess I'll say it again.

"It wasn't my intent, but if SHE was offended, tell her I didn't mean to." I said truthfully. I hope he'll believe me.

"I'm not answering any more questions. Fruity, lets see our way out." I said to Fruity before leaving Okawa speechless. Fruity looked at him with anger, but after taking a glance at me, began to frost up and began walking. 

When we were far enough from Okawa, Fruity asked 
"Hey Koko, why didn't you just challenge Okawa there?" 
"Because he'd instantly know I was the note-sender, and the work you did throwing out the teacher's desk and tests would've been useless. Now we have today and tomorrow off, did you want me to waste that?" I responded, as he looked over and shrugged.

We kept walking and before I knew it we were at Fruity's house. He unlocked the door and turned around to face me.
"Do you want to come in? I can make you something to eat and I'll let you have the bed if you want to stay over." Fruity offered.
"No thanks, I'll see you tomorrow, Fruity." I said to him, while walking back home. 
After walking around for a bit, I realized that the house I own is pretty damn far. So I kept walking. A voice in an alleyway spoke words that disgusted me.

"C'mon, just a bit of money's fine! Hand it here and I'll let you go!" Said the voices to a poor 9 year old boy. The boy was looking around, perhaps for his mother. The men were around 25-30, and had beer bellies the size of my school bag. I needed to step in before something bad would happen.
"Kid said no. That enough to tell you to fuck off? Or do I gotta do it for you?" I said, with aggression built up in my voice. All this thinking is too much, I need an outlet of my worries.

Two of them began backing off, while one decided to stay behind. I was hoping I could get my knuckles red. "The kid has the money we're gonna use! And we're gonna use it, stay out of our way, schoolboy." He said with a smug, shit eating smile. I'm pissed now.

Before he could take his hands out of his pockets I noticed something shiny on him, were they brass knuckles? Maybe, so I grabbed my watch and lowered it onto my fist, creating a DIY brass knuckle of my own. He pulled out his knuckles and before he could, I broke the glass on my watch on his face, stunning him with a bleeding cheek. I used my time wisely, as I kicked his knee and dropped him to the floor. 

"Hey kid, don't you think bad people should have bad consequences?" I asked the kid, as he nodded. So I bent down to his level and grabbed his arm. 


I dislocated his shoulder, just enough to keep him screaming. I gave the kid his wallet back and he ran off, nowhere to be seen. 

Behind me, I heard wood get picked up. I turned around to face a massive man ready to slam my head in with a 2x4. I had a second's notice before he came in.

"HEY! THATS MY KOKORU YOU'RE MESSING WITH!" Fruity screamed, as he swung a baseball bat at the man's head, knocking him down instantly. Fruity and I stared at each other for a quick minute, before he asked.

"Are you ok? Did they hurt you? I'll kill them if they did, I swear to God." He said, as his eyes twitched with a familiar anger. 

"I'm fine, thanks to you. You're a great friend, but why were you following me?" 

"Uhh.. doesn't matter now. You're staying at my place till' school starts again. No objections, you're coming with me." He said with a smile, as we walked to his place.

"Whoa! What happened here?" said someone behind us.

"Oh, those guys were harassing some kid, don't worry about them!" I said, turning around. It was.. Rhed?

"Koko?! Well whatever, I guess you helped a kid at leas-"

"Rhed? What's happening there? Come back!" I heard a girl voice ring out. If I can remember, that's Akira's voice

"Hold on Kira, I'm coming!" He said, running back. Maybe they aren't so troublesome.

"School starts tomorrow, so you'll have to rest up." Said Fruity, with a heartwarming smile on his face. My goal for emotion will not be interfered with, however. When time comes, I'll do whatever it takes to function.

However, Fruity is really good at cooking. I'll take a small break, I deserve it.

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