Chapter 1: A Normal Final Day

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                A faint voice rings out from my room, the voice echoing into my ears, enough for me to blossom my eyes open from the dream of what happened before. 

"Wake up! Wake up, Yuki!" Is all I hear now, as I sit up to be greeted by my little brother, Tanoshi. It's time for yet another day at school, and I plan to change that today. 

"Breakfast is downstairs, you need to eat up for the long day!" Tanoshi cheered. I never understood how every sentence he said cheered me up. But I managed to pick myself up, and wear my ironed down school uniform. I walk down our stairs into the kitchen as Tanoshi followed, nearly slipping down the stairs. My Mother is there to greet us with a warm smile and a batch of golden brown pancakes.

"I already packed your stuff, you need to get going!" Mother told me as she was already pushing me out the door with a singular pancake. I got a smooch and a hug and out I go, walking for the bullet train. I finished my golden pancake and managed to make it to the bullet train by seconds. "Today is going to be the last of these kinds of days, I swear it!" I say to myself before galloping into the train.

I arrive at school and go to my first classes, nothing new, as usual. Going to lunch, I see the girls talking about me, and I cheerfully eat the lunch my mother gave me, a steaming Ramen Noodles. This will be the last time I eat this, so I'll eat it with pride and stride. I check the Janitorial closet and go to my next class, Biology. I notice someone scribbling in the background, his body language spoke volumes to me, telling me he's another confident prick, just like everyone else. Never mind him, it's time!

I've been checking the janitorial closet a bunch. I think it's ready. I've set up the closet.. be my personal gallows.

Everyone is dismissed to Lunch, and I head into the Janitorial closet, ready to end it with the hose I had found. I set the beer crate down under the noose, and after taking a long gulp, prepared to kick the bucket. When suddenly.. the doorknob rattled. It's the janitor, probably, so if I throw out the broom, maybe he'll just leave. I opened the door and threw out the broom, but as I was going to close the door..

He stopped it with his knuckles, as I accidentally slammed the door on his fingers. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to Mr-"

"What have we here?" said the Scribbler at Biology, now taller and much more arrogant with his body language and how he stood. His voice sent chills down my spine, so condescending and analytical. He completely ignored the bruise I left on his left hand, admiring the gallows I had created in the closet. 

"You tied it wrong, it would've broken as soon as you kicked the bucket. Also, a very VERY bad place to commit this atrocious act. If you were an outcast, I doubt ending it here would've made anyone care any more.". His words hit my soul and bones, and it shocked me. He sounded so interested and somewhat angry at me, but still managing to talk me out of it. I managed to take all I had to speak words that would hit him.

"I-I'm sorry you had to see this, I meant to be alone in doing this. I'm so s-" 

"Stand up. This is degrading. Have you thought about the family you'd be leaving behind? Your teachers? Hell, have you thought this through at all?" He said as if everything I had done leading up to this moment was wrong. He and I worked and tidied up the closet and went to our 4th block, Health. 

I was in shock. How was I talked out of ending it all by a scribbler in the back. I was so surprised that if another girl just came in, she would bully me into doing it, but not him. How did his words hit me like it did? Who is he? What did he stop me from ending it? I'll squeeze these answers out of him, if its the last thing I do. It's the least I can do, because he's peaked my interest. I can't end it with all these questions, not just yet.

After we were dismissed, I decided to follow him home. 

"You again? Why are you speaking to me, do you think I'd begin caring because I walked in on you?" He said, his words hitting me with the same impact as before.

"No, but I care for you now~! You talked me off of the gallows, I think you at least deserve a little bit of a thank you!" I said, from the bottom of my heart, hoping it would phase him.
"I don't want this. You're just bothering me." He said, this time a little softer.
"Hehe! You'll begin to like it if I just keep walking and talking, I bet it!" I knew I hit his heart.

I chatted with him, getting minimal responses. But despite that, I knew i was getting somewhere. "You're bothering me." he kept saying whenever I tried to speak to him about something personal. As I reached his house, which was coincidentally not too far from mine, he said something to confirm I was getting somewhere.

"Hey, uh, I normally sit alone with my friend Rhed at lunch. So if you're alone, just ask for permission to sit with us. I won't let you on, but I'll think about it." He said softly, like he was humiliated.

"I will, I promise!" I said, glad I got somewhere. From now on, I'll try not to think about stuff like that, instead I'll think of conversation starters to speak to him about. 
"Hey, you're looking in a good mood, sis! Almost like you're in love!" Tanoshi said with a stupid grin.
"What are you talking about? I'm just in a good mood." I said reluctantly.
I mean it's not like I'm in love..


How to be Happy Segment #1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora