Chapter 19: Luck of The Omikuji

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"We're friends, yeah?", said Rhed. "Yeah, I guess.", I replied. 

Next I knew I'm walking around with Rhed in his pajamas. 

"Hmm, so I heard you're dating Fruity." Where did he hear that from? Who the hell told him that? Do a lot of people know that me and Fruity.. it doesn't matter, just keep calm and give a lowkey response.
"Maybe." He gave me a faint smile and looked away. 

It was all quiet after that. I damn near fell asleep cause it was pretty late, but we reached our destination and started going on a walk.
I'm kind of worried, is he gonna ask about the thing between me and Okawa? I asked, 

"Why me?"
 "Huh, what do you mean?"
"Why did you you choose me?"
"Choose you to what?"
"To go on a walk."
"Ohhh, no reason, you were just there."

We walked by those neko souvenir shops and some glass broke, I didn't see what it was but some omikuji rolled near his foot, he picked it up put it in his pocket. Hmm, I heard around school that he has godly luck, maybe that was a sign.

As we were walking I tried asking what happened back there he replied,
"It was nothing, you want a drink?"
"I could go for a drink, why?"
He picks up a coin from the ground and, suddenly, puts in one of the vending machines and all the bottles just start pouring out. Ok, maybe it was another sign. I don't believe it yet.

As we got away to avoid the people flocking over to get drinks like a bunch of birds, we see this sketchy looking dude gesturing for us to get him a drink. I bring it to him and he says: 

"You are real nice giving away all these refreshing beverages, but I know you didn't get all those from paying for em' , you earned those, I saw the whole thing your friend put that one coin and got back everything. the will of one man is nothing compared to the will of the universe, meaning everything happens by chance, so why don't you test your luck in a game of cho han?"

"Hey Koko, what's going on?"
"It's nothing, let's go."
"Hold on, I'm in the mood for a game of cho han"
"Dude, this is obviously a scam."
"Trust me on this one."
"Rhed, we got no money. How the hell do you expect us to play?"
"It's fine, it's fine. And watch your mouth." As we sat down, the cho han charmer pulled out 500 yen.
"First round's on me." He said, as he began shaking the cup. As he stops shaking, he asked us:
"Even or Odd?"

"Odd." Rhed said, as I nodded with him.
He lifts the cup.
"A 5 and a 4! That's odd, you win 500!"

"Alright, next. I'm betting 1500 this round." the Charmer said, as Rhed put the 500 back onto the table.

He began shaking the cup, and Rhed began to lean back onto his chair. 
Suddenly, we couldn't hear the dice hitting the sides of the cup.

I stood up from my chair and slammed the table.
"THAT'S HOW HE'S CHEATING, HE SWITCHED THE DICE!" He said, as the Cho-Han charmer put his hand on my shoulder.
"Relax friend, just sit down. I wouldn't dare cheat, I promise." he said, as I sat down.

"So.. Even or Odd?"

"I know, Kokoru. Relax, I got this."
 He smirked and lifted up the cup.

"Uh, no we didn't. It's a 3 and a 2. That's 5, we won."

His face turned sour, but he shook it off.

"Alright, final game. I'm betting 10000 this time, lets hope I win!"

He began shaking the cup, and again, the dice couldn't be heard hitting the sides of the cup.

He slammed the cup into the desk, and asked:
"Even or Odd?"

"Even." Rhed said, smirking.

He lifted the cup, and was shocked at the results.

"A 6 and a 6. We win. Thanks for the money, sir."

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