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"If you leave without me getting photos, Theodore, I will not hesitate to lock you inside this house until you shrivel up into a small urchin," His mother shouted from the kitchen, handing a carton of apple juice to his sister and a ceramic plate of Malva pudding. Theo could smell the apricot jelly and the sticky, thick, golden syrup. He suddenly regretted declining the plate his mom offered him.

She made an entire meal specifically before, said he'd need the energy to dance, which there was no way in hell he would be doing. The idea of even standing in a large group of sweat-infected teenagers sent a chill down his spine, let alone joining in with them.

Theo looked to his father for some reassurance, he'd told he there would be no photos and that was final, this was the outcome he gets.

He shook his head, "Mother knows best," He whispered, "Speaking of photos, I'll go dig the camera out."

"Surely you can just use your phone, it's easier..." Theo fiddled around with the material of the white suit jacket, that was opened up. Underneath it was a tight greyish-powder blue t-shirt, the jacket matched perfectly with the white suit pants which he'd tucked his shirt it.

He told his father he wasn't going to do that and it would look utterly stupid, but he insisted that it had to be 'true-80s' and if he was going to lend him his clothes from the 80s he'd have to wear them properly.

He'd also been given black sunglasses, how his father could store things from that time and still have them be perfect was unknown. Maybe he had some special restoration tricks up his sleeve.

"Eish, you kids, phone this phone that," He scoffed.

His mother hopped in through the door, hands over her eyes, a bright grin plastered across her face, someone had pinned it up the whole night, she was way happier than usual, "You look great!"

"You haven't taken your hands off yet." Theo sighed.

"I know you'll look good, though, silly."

She has to say that, she's his mom.

He did look perfect though, that much was objective.

When she pulled her hands down dramatically, she smudged her pink lipstick down the corners of her cheek, his dad chuckled, his eyes lit up. Theo now realized that the reason they were both so giddy today was that they were probably trying to relive their prom through this, so he decided that he'd stop putting up such a fuss.

"Fine, you can take as many photos as you want."

She clasped the hands together and dramatically pulled them up to her face, "You look like... well I was trying to think of somebody but you're too beautiful for anybody."

Theo felt himself go embarrassed and regretted allowing her photo opportunities.

"Let's take a selfie!" She said, pulling her phone out of her pink knitted cardigan's pocket. He remembered her gushing about how large the pockets were when she first bought it, sometimes she still brings it up in conversation.

He rolled his eyes at his father, "You let her," He said back to the eye roll.


Kit stood wringing out his hands by the bell, he didn't even know why he was so nervous, the hard part was out of the way. He'd already asked him to come and he said yes, it's not like he was going to suddenly say no again.

He had a space blue collared polo, paired with a silk, lightweight crepe tie. Over the top was a deep v-neck cut, pigeon blue suit with extremely thin yale colored stripes.

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