Won't You Stay?

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A/N: YKWIM? By Yot Club is also good for this chapter. :)

They woke up to the sound of rain pitter-pattering on the sheer tent. Faint outlines of beams of light shone through the lining. Morning birdsong sounded, a conglomeration of soloists singing as much as they possibly could, when their solos were joined together it sounded like an unruly cacophony but if you listened out for individual lyrics you can hear the beauty of it.

Their hands were still touching, Theo's fingers resting weakly on Kit's, balancing against each other's, they'd gone numb from being laid out like that the whole night.

"Morning," He croaked out, wearily, voice hoarse from the morning strain.

"Morning," Theo responded, stroking his fingers down the length of Kit's. For someone who wasn't a morning person, he'd manage to brighten a bit being in the company of Kit.

"What's the time?" Kit whispered. They were the only ones who didn't heavily drink last night, and due to the absence of noise, he'd assumed the only ones who weren't still sleeping. He coughed, trying to clear the cracks in his voice, "I think you fucked up my vocal chords last night-"

Theo checked his phone, grinning with achievement, the bright white light shone harshly into his eyes, "5 am." He sighed, he didn't even wake up that early for school.

"Come on," Kit smiled, jumping out of the sleeping bag easily, crouched by the door of the tent. Theo couldn't understand how one could be so energetic at 5 o clock in the morning.

"Where?" Theo rubbed the dust from the corners of his eyes, trying to clear his blurred vision. His eyes began to focus around him and he shook out his arm which was filled with pins and needles.

"You'll see." His infamous smirk lying on his face. It made Theo melt.

✧༺✦✮✦༻∞  ∞༺✦✮✦༻✧

Their heads rested peacefully against the wood of the dock, their feet gliding in the calm water of the lake. There was a fine drizzle drifting down from the sky and it fell gently against their legs and the skin of their face, brushing them with patterns of water. There was a windless sun beginning to emerge from its depths, brightening the area in a yellow tinge.

A little rubbish wavelet of candy wrappers and food peel and algae folded effortlessly over Theo's foot.

"Eat your ice cream or it'll melt," Kit whispered, dazed, moving his feet against the dove-like waves of the water, a soft breeze lifted the hair from his head.

Theo sat up, slowly, letting his ears amplify the sound of the tweeting birds and the croaks of the crickets and he scooped a spoonful of his liquid ice cream into his mouth, staring adoringly at Kit, who stayed still, eyes closed.

He rested his chin down on Kit's chest and looked over idly to the slight sway of the trees and their nests. Kit's breath pushed against his chin gently, it was soft, calm, and steady.

The ice cream slid down the corners of his mouth and made him feel sticky, his hands covered in strawberry syrup.

He was then being greeted with a cold flick of ice cream against his nose, he flicked his eyes open to see Kit who'd just used his spoon to propel and large portion of his chocolate onto Theo's nose, it trickled down his face, Theo stared blankly for a moment before he used his spoon to flick his all over Kit's left cheek.

Kit used the back of his hand to slop it off before sticking his hand in the pot and wiping it down the right side of Theo's cheek, Theo grappled with Kit to get Kit's pot seeing as his had now ran out. Kit yanked himself up, Theo had tried looping his arm around Kit's leg to trip him up but resorted to standing up as well, and looping his arm under Kit's shoulder instead. He went to shove Kit in, and succeeded, but in the process Kit managed to jump backwards into the water, meaning Theo still had a lot of built up momentum and ended up falling too.

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