Filled with Emptiness

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"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!" Chants began shouting. It wasn't by any means the size of the crowds in movies however it was quite large, and more people were beginning to cluster around.

Kit had hoped that putting his anger into someone else would provide some sort of relief inside of him, but the relief never came. Ache crept up into every inch of him and lingered there, burning him away as his fist plummeted into the person beneath him. He pulled up quickly but still wanted to get away from his thoughts. He balanced himself on his feet and threw his fist again, towards Theo's temple. Theo suddenly pulled his right arm up against his forehead, shielding himself from the blow, and swung his left arm round to hit Kit right in the jaw. He stumbled down onto the floor and pulled himself back on top of Theo, pinning his shoulders down. He began pounding at his stomach, hitting him. Hard. Theo spluttered with the impact and coughed loudly.

"What the fuck is that for?" Theo couldn't remember much the last thing he remembered was let out a small remark about how Kit couldn't use his emotions properly and resorted to punching people, which Kit had overheard and retaliated by punching him. Which only further proved Theo's point. Kit had likely been looking for reasons to get in a proper fight since the punch in class, as that was hardly suited. To be frank, Theo didn't mind having an opportunity to punch Kit either- his face was perfectly punchable.

Now when Theo asked that, even though it was most probably rhetorical, Kit paused. He didn't actually know why and he had just realized himself that this proved Theo's point. It was most likely due to him wanting to blame everything on someone other than his father. During the moment of hesitation, Theo had managed to hook his leg around Kit and pull, which ended up toppling Kit onto the floor, right next to Theo. Theo used that to swing over him and punch him directly in his jaw. Kit let out a sound of pain, which only Theo could hear. That caused a choir of gasps from the people surrounding them, which was quite offensive considering they obviously didn't anticipate for Theo to get any hits in. Kit used his knee to wrap around Theo and swing him back onto the floor beside him, punching Theo in the eye. Hopefully, that'd leave a black eye.

Theo thought for a moment that it was okay. If he just let his bones crack and ache, then it would be okay. It didn't seem to matter much now. They serve no purpose to him. They're supposed to keep you up and alive, but they don't seem to do the job, at least not in the past. His skin was draped over his bones, a torn curtain. That was all he was. They were a placeholder, useless. He stared at Kit, no longer shifting and scurrying. And instead of Kit using that to throw in further punches he stilled, furrowing his brows at the paused Theo, wondering why he just didn't care anymore.

"EXCUSE ME??" A shout was heard from the crowd. Followed by a few of the people at the back of the ring flurrying away, the rest stayed put, gawking at the fight.

Kit stood up, rapidly. Letting one more kick to Theo's nose out. He noticed a quick flow of blood start leaving from it as he turned away, and began pushing through everyone. Words were being spoken but he couldn't hear any of it. He felt a rush of coldness, stinging him as he went numb.

"Kristopher McCain, get back here right now!" Was one of the only things he heard, being spoken by a teacher. He continued walking, before being met by a hard hand grabbing his shoulder.

"I don't think so. Clarke's office now." The teacher said. "I've already reported it and the severity. If you do not go it'll be much harsher, Mr. McCain. Rip the band-aid."


"I am absolutely delighted to see you two back here in... one school day! How impressive. Two fights within what? 48 hours?" Mr Clarke began, daggers shooting at both the boys.

The rest of the conversation was nothing. Neither of the boys spoke. Which Kit didn't quite understand, and to be honest neither did Theo. He had every opportunity to blame it all on Kit, which was the honest truth. It was his fault. He threw the first punch, he is the one who got him down, he is the one who almost broke his nose.

But it was silence from both of them. All Kit heard was the drowning voice of Mr. Clarke who was talking about scholarships and football.

Theo was listening, but he paid much more attention to his surroundings. The American flags on flagpoles behind the desk, trophies stacked in a display cupboard, and a few stress balls laid out on the desk in front of him. He glanced over at Kit.

Theo had a habit of analyzing people. It's probably something he picked up from the TV shows he watched and the novels he read, repeatedly, writing down notes on things he found useful. Kit's head was dropped and he noticed his eyes were accompanied by ebony bags and red lines, threaded through them. Not much sleep... Or crying?

His raven hair was disheveled, what was usually fluffed up and combed into a middle part was just there. No style. It laid on top of his head like he didn't care anymore. His usual tan skin was flushed, and empty of life, and the light freckles he had on his face were gone.

"Are either of you listening?" Mr. Clarke sighed.

Kit looked up and turned to see Theo staring at him. He squinted his eyes at him, in an accusatory way.
"What the fuck are you looking at?" He said loudly.
"I will be taking that as a no, considering I just said one more incident and you're off the team."
"What??" Kit exclaimed, his voice cracking.
"Consider this your last warning, Kit."

Kit nodded quickly, instead of the droopy boy he was a moment ago, he is now up straight in his chair, stiffened and tense, clenching his jaw down.

"You boys are really trying my patience. I am trying to be nice. I know you kids have a lot going on nowadays, but we cannot have this resulting in violence, understood?" Mr. Clarke continued.

"Yes Sir. Thank you." Theo said, gratefully.

"I like to say, make love not war and the world will be an infinitely better place. Off you go, please."

Kit pulled up from his chair and moved to the door. Coincidentally, their absolute most favorite class of all time was up next; biology!


Theo tapped his pen on the desk, contemplating speaking. The clock was ticking around, the volume of it being amplified by his brain, clinging to the void inside of him. He decided not to when he noticed Kit was staring off out the window, he grabbed his sketchbook and began doodling.

"Kiiittttt!!" One of the girls from the desk in front of them said as she spun around on her chair, flicking her golden ponytail. "Come to my party on Saturday?" She carried on, as she put her chin in her palms, fluttering her lashes.

"Sure." Kit said, abruptly, complemented by the blank expression on his face.
"8pm!" She slipped him a note of a scuffed-up piece of paper.

Kit opened it apprehensively and smirked at the words written on it. Theo knew not to be a nosy sod, but he couldn't help but quickly sneak a peek at the worn note which read out 'Bring condoms! <3'

Theo rolled his eyes and turned back down to face his doodles, which were turning into more of an actual sketch. It was a drawing of a cross being held by a bloody hand, and the blood tinting the bottom of the cross. The reference labeled above it was 'Leviticus 20:13'.

"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them." Whispered Kit, sending a gust of wind down Theo's neck.

Theo slammed it shut.

"Can you not? Don't look at my shit."
"There's one thing I hate. Hypocrites." Kit said, with that well-hated smirk of his.
"I didn't mean to see the note."
"And I didn't mean to see your magical drawing." He mocked.
"Don't be a dick. I know it isn't good, okay? But it has meaning."
"I'm being serious, it is actuallyyy quite good. Shockingly. And again, Sherlock Holmes, I know it has meaning." Kit muttered, with his eyes rolling dramatically. "You think I am dumber than I truly am, Theo."

The bell cut their conversation. Next was the last lesson on Friday.

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