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Kit's life-long bestfriend
Hi Rose(Rosaline? Not sure which you prefer, sorry.) How are you? Are you all still okay for tomorrow? Thanks !!! - Theo

Kit's sister
hello theodore(Theo? Not sure which you prefer, sorry.)
Rose please. i'm okay. would be better
if you didn't type like oscar wilde.
how r u? and yes pretty sure. you also don't
need to sign your name dear, i know who you are

Kit's life-long bestfriend
i type like that with people I do not
know very well, polite i suppose.
i will type normally now tho since
you dont like it. i'm good too. glad you can make it!!! -Theo

✧༺✦✮✦༻∞  ∞༺✦✮✦༻✧✧༺✦✮✦༻∞  ∞༺✦✮✦༻✧

Kit was balancing a cake carrier in one hand, trying to simultaneously knock on the door. He didn't think to place it on the floor, knock, and then pick it up again.

"Hello dear, you need some help with that?" Mrs. Sheih smiled, wrapping her hair round into a bun while elegantly taking the carrier in one hand, how she could do that Kit did not know.

"Hi Mrs-"

"Mrs nobody to you. I told you to call me Melanie, did I not?" She walked inside but left the door open and Kit assumed that was an invitation to come in, he still felt a little awkward just in case that wasn't actually her intention,"What's this for?" She asked, inspecting the cake, her slippers prodding on the floor as she walked further inside.

"Mom made it, said you guys might like it. It's a British cake."

"Oh gosh, now I am indebted to you all! I shall make you lot something at some point too, Kristopher. Victoria sponge?" She waved him to follow him into the kitchen.

"Yeah, that's what she called it."

"You know, it actually originated in Spain? Colonization, Kristopher."

"Oh, well, yes they're quite good at that aren't they?"

"Weren't they just."

Once they both walked in, everyone was staring expectantly at the archway to see who had knocked at the door.

"Kit! Kit! Kit!!" Faith jumped out of her dad's lap, knocking his coffee mug in the process, and sprinted up to him, wrapping his legs into a hug as Mr. Sheih tried to dap his newspaper dry with his dressing gown sleeve.

"Hi, Faith." He patted her cautiously on the head.

Mr. Sheih had tipped him a small wave before returning to the newspaper he was reading, an article about the increasing crime rates supposedly due to the increase in immigration and sipping a mug of pure black coffee, his face was a look that suggested he was disgusted by the article and he believed none of it. He'd come from South Africa when he was a child for his father's job, and he finally thought he'd have a chance to enjoy it yet he still feels even more unsafe in America.

Theo had also gone back to scribbling something down in a notebook, taking no notice of Kit who'd just arrived, him showing up was now becoming a common occurrence. Mrs. Sheih had begun opening up the carrier and cutting it up into slices, so that left Luca to be glaring at Kit as Faith had already run away into the sitting room, chanting something about how Cameron still hadn't given her the toy she lent him back and that if Kit didn't get it from him soon she'd 'smack him round the face to teach him a lesson on borrowing things'.

"Hello, Luca?" Kit said, but it sounded like a question. Which it genuinely was.

"Hello, Kristopher. You brought us a cake?"

Falling, Fallen (bxb)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ