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His car was in the garage, so he had to rely on his feet and his hazy memory to try and remember where the house was. His feet had started to ache as he'd been running on the cold gravel for about what he estimated to be 5 minutes- but it was closer to 15. Maybe as if the universe was acting with him, speeding past as much as it could, but why would the universe create a reason for him to run?

He'd sometimes go on jogs when he was stressed, and they seemed to calm him down temporarily decently quickly, but he could still feel some sort of clench in his throat that was beginning to dry and he couldn't determine if it was from the sprinting or the build-up of tears that were beginning to clot his airways. He also couldn't determine why he was running, or why he was on the verge of those tears.

He didn't know at what time his feet had numbed, he'd just hoped he hadn't stepped on any shards of glass on the way without realizing. Usually, the youth group was pretty good at keeping it clean, but you never know.

After a while, it had started to feel like he wasn't even running anymore. Or that it wasn't even him. Like being in one of those dreams where you are seeing yourself; God-like.

He now didn't even give an estimate as to how long he'd been running, just that he'd reached the destination that his brain automatically took him to.

Shaking, he took out his phone from his pocket, his breath speeding, hoping that it wasn't so late that Theo'd put his phone on silent.

Sempiternal Asshole:

he y, outside. you awake

He slumped down on the porch steps, finally, his body connecting back to his fuzzy mind and he'd noticed where he was. He glared at the hand-painted mailbox that had three handprints on it, and sunshine shining down upon them.

He had his phone clutched as tight as he could, but he'd now also become aware of how sweaty his palms were when he felt it sliding around. It then dropped out of his hand and onto the porch when it buzzed.

Theodore the Chipmunk:

You what?? Undecipherable.

Once he'd managed to hold onto his phone again, he read Theo's message over twice, and then his once he didn't fault Theo for not understanding, considering it sounded like a mix of strung together words that had no meaning.

Sempiternal Asshole:

I am outsdie, can u come out here

He still hadn't got ahold of controlling the dots that were floating around in his eyes but at least it made somewhat sense.

He sat frozen as he waited.

It seemed a long time.

It probably wasn't.

"What the fuck, Kit my parents are asl- Jesus fucking Christ are you okay??" He sprinted round to kneel down in front of Kit from his front yard, his face so close that Kit could feel his breath on him, "How'd you get here?" Theo then looked around in an attempt to spot Kit's car.

"You got here on foot are you insane-" He didn't try and finish that sentence.

"I'm fine." Kit's voice was small and pathetic like a hand was encircling his airways.

Theo's head was brimming with questions, and whirring around in a state of panic.

"Well clearly not, you are covered in sweat, you look exhausted, it's two in the morning, you've run all the way to my house-" He paused when Kit's shoulders began to shake and for a moment Theo had thought he was crying until he realized he was laughing into his hands silently. His body shaking and his breath hitched.

Falling, Fallen (bxb)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant