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"Question," Theo muttered with bated breath trying to silence the voice of Mr. Teagan who was starting a lengthy, irrelevant discussion about his children.

"Yes?" Kit peeled a layer of the wood cracking off of his chair that looked at least a decade old, and clearly about to break in a few month's time.

"It's my birthday in a few days-"

"What?" Kit flicked a piece of woodchip onto the floor and looked up at Theo.

"Yes, yes anyways. I'm going out with Duyi and Aahana, but if you want to come-"

"Obviously." Kit shook his head at Theo, "You could have told me like a week ago so I can decide on a present, Theo."

"Yeah, I don't want you getting me one."

"Well, I am." Kit gave him a dismissive blink before crinkling up a piece of paper into a ball and lobbing it across the classroom into Kade's head, Theo chuckled a little to himself as he watched Kade turn around, bewildered expression.

"YOU, McCain," Kade said, pointing a dry finger from the other side of the classroom at Kit, "Are on thin fucking ice." And laughed before picking it back up and chucking it directly at Kit.

Kit's reactions are much faster and he managed to duck out of it, leaving a harmless girl sitting behind him be hammered in the face with a rigid paper rock.

"You are a fucking assface, Kade." Kit scoffed, flipping him off and turning to face the girl behind him, "You alright?" He asked, genuine sincerity in his voice.

"Yes, I am fine!" She smiled, wiping a wisp of stray hair off her face and looking over to her friend, a look of glee in her eyes.

"Kristopher, Kade if we have this misbehaviour once more you will be reported to Mr Clarke, understand?" Mr Teagan slurred, his eyes bulged so much they were starting to look like billards.

"I am so terribly and utterly sorry for my behaviour, it shall never happen again, I swear on Kit's virginity," Kade said, followed by a lot of chuckles from the members of the class, who all knew that meant nothing.

"You are such a shithead." Kit sneered, throwing a pen lid at him, which purpose was to make him jolt out the way but ended up whacking into his eye, making him slam his eyes shut and eyes instinctivly well. 

"Boys." Mr Teagan said, pulling his chin up to the ceiling and muttering something to himself, which was most likely about how he doesn't get paid enough.

Kit turned back around to face Theo and rocked back in his chair, "What day?"


"Your birthday, fucking asshole."

"Right, tomorrow."

"You are fucking joking."

"I told you it's so you wouldn't get me a present."

"You seriously test me, Theodore."

"I know," Theo smirked, pulling one shoulder up to his cheek and letting out an elegant bow.

•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧.˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧. ˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩.•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧.˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧. ˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩.

"Kit is coming tomorrow by the way," Theo said nonchalantly as he chewed on the lid of his bottle cap.

"Stop doing that you will chip your tooth, I've told you this!" Aahana squawked, knocking the bottle cap out his mouth and onto the mud. "And since when?"

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