Windbreaker City Part 2

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Some guys from the ATF were tying you, Jake, Charles and Terry to chairs.

"Can you leave me some wiggle room so I can check my phone periodically?" asked Jake.

"Why? Waiting for your mom to text?" asked one of the guys.

"No, actually, I'm waiting for a girl who broke up with me to text" Jake said.

"That's way worse" the guy said.

"Yeah, it's bad" said Jake as the ATF guys left the room. "This sucks. I just got dumped by a mega-fox and no one's letting me shoot a big gun about it. All right, you know what? Screw this. I'm not gonna just sit here like a loser. Boyle, free me, then I'll free you and y/n. We're fighting back."

"No, Jake. We are behaving so we can be invited again next year" Terry said.

"Sarge, with all due respect, I am going to completely ignore everything you just said. Okay, Charles. Our hands are tied so we're gonna have to use our mouths. You too, y/n" said Jake.

"Smart. Wet the tape down with my saliva until you could slip right out" said Charles.

"No, bite it. Obviously, bite it" Jake said.


Jake ripped the tape off your wrists and said "All right, Sarge. Now to cut you loose."

"No. I'm staying tied up. I don't care how much of a jerk Kendrick is. I want to be clear that I had no part in this" said Terry.

"No offense, but you are a huge waste of muscles" you said.

"Okay, Boyle. There's three guards with guns outside this door. We need their guns. You know what to do" said Jake.

"Beat 'em up?" asked Charles.

"Pretend to be sick and lure them in here" Jake said.

"Right. The Charles" Charles said.

"Here we go" you said, as you and Jake hid next to the door.

Charles sat back down in his chair. "Help. I need help. I'm sick."

"Is this part of the drill? What's wrong?" asked one of the guards.

"I have Seasonal Affective Disorder" shouted Charles.

"What?" you and Jake asked.

"It's a serious condition that affects millions of Americans" whispered Charles as the door opened, and the guards came in.

"What the hell?" asked one of the guards, walking in to see yours and Jake's chairs empty.

Jake took the man's gun away from him and aimed it at him.

"We're fighting back, you terrorist crap sack" said Jake.

"Also, thank you for including us in this event" Terry said.

"You got partners outside right? Call them in here" Jake said.

"I need help" called the guard, and the two other guards entered. Jake quickly shot both of them, and you took both their guns away from them and threw one to Charles. Jake turned around and shot the other guard who said "Ow."

"Shh. You're dead" you said.

"See you later, losers" said Jake.

"Again, opportunity of a lifetime. Just a real positive experiance" said Terry.


You, Jake and Charles crept along one of the corridors, and Jake looked around the door to see two guards.

"All right, we need to distract them. Do you have anything I can throw?" asked Jake.

"I have a dog tag" answered Charles.

"Oh, that is badass, Boyle" said Jake as Charles took off the dog tag. "No - It's an actual tag for a dog."

"Yep. Molly. She was my poodle growing up. Never forget your first" Charles said.

"Your first what?" you asked.

"Dog" said Charles.

"That is never what people mean by that" you said.

Jake threw the dog tag towards the guards, who turned around to see you, Jake and Charles aiming at them. Jake and Charles shot them both.

"When you get to hell, say hi to Molly" said Jake.

"What? Why is Molly in hell?" asked Charles.

"'Cause it sounds cooler than heaven" Jake said.


Jake opened the door to where Rosa, Amy, Hitchcock and Scully were.

"Door kick" said Jake as Hitchcock and Scully screamed.

"What's up, dude?" Rosa asked.

"Is it lunchtime?" asked Scully.

"Is the drill over?" asked Amy as you ripped off her tape.

"We're freeing you guys" Jake said.

"Jake, can you hear me? Is it lunchtime?" Scully asked.

"No, it's not lunchtime. It's 10:30 in the morning" said Jake.

"No wonder I'm starving" said Scully to Hitchcock.

"Look, we came here to win and they're not even giving us a chance. I think it's fair to say that no one in the history of America has been discriminated against more" Jake said.

"Buddy" said Rosa.

"Yeah, that might be the adrenaline talking. So you guys in?" asked Jake.

"I don't know. I don't want to get in trouble" Amy said.

"Oh, wow, you sound like a real Terry. Why don't you just take your shirt off and make your pecs bounce around? Again, the adrenaline. Don't sue me" Jake said. "Look, you two are still arguing over who gets Saturday off, right? Highest body count wins."

"Done" said Rosa, as her and Amy took the guns Jake offered them.

"I'm gonna vape you like my E-cig" said Amy.

"Okay, you basically just lost" said Rosa.

"Nine-Nine, we are hostages no longer" Jake said, ripping off half of his hostage sticker as everyone else ripped off all their hostage stickers. "You know, I really meant to rip off the whole thing, but I say we go with it! Come with me, hos!"

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