The Party Part 1

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"Everyone, check your email. The greatest thing that could ever happen has just happened" Amy said excitedly as you and Jake walked into the bullpen.

"The girl who beat you for high school valedictorian died?" you asked as you sat down in the chair next to Jake's desk.

"No. 'Kevin Cozner requests your presence at Raymond's birthday party'" said Amy, reading from her email.

"Who's Kevin Cozner? Is he the star of 'Danzes with Wolvez?'" asked Jake.

"He's Captain Holt's husband. Captain Raymond Holt. We're invited to the captain's birthday party" Rosa said.

"Oh, the captain's party and whatnot" said Jake, interested.

"I can't wait to see the inside of Raymond's house. I'm gonna learn everything there is to know about him" said Amy.

Charles walked over. "I bet it's really fancy, like Beauty and the Beast fancy."

"No, it's probably just an empty, white cube with a USB port in it for him to plug his finger in when he's on sleep mode" Jake said, and you laughed.

Holt walked into the room. "Apparently my husband Kevin has invited you all to my party. There is very little street parking, no gifts, no singing of 'Happy birthday.' Should be fun."

"Sounds fantastic" Amy said as Holt went into his office.

"Did you hear that? His husband invited us, not him. He so doesn't want us there" you said.

"Yes, he does" said Amy.

"Mm, it was kind of a last-minute invite. Just stirrin' the pot" Gina said.

"Why wouldn't Holt want us there?" asked Charles, confused.

"Because he thinks we'll embarrass him in front of his husband, which, frankly, is insulting!" Jake said.

Jake got up, and tipped his cereal bowl over. You moved back quickly to avoid the cereal falling onto your jacket.

"Oh, man. All the orange soda spilled out of my cereal" Jake said.

You, Rosa, Amy, Charles and Terry were all in the break room when Jake walked in, carrying a large box

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You, Rosa, Amy, Charles and Terry were all in the break room when Jake walked in, carrying a large box.

"Bam! Behold, my secret weapon for winning over Kevin. In this box is every grisly crime the Nine-Nine has worked in the past eight years. Civilians love juicy cop stories" Jake said, placing the box on the table.

Everyone apart from Terry began to look through the box.

"Oh! I call that murder where they strung fishing wire through three guys" said Jake.

"Hey, we solved that together" you said.

"Well, tough Tetris. I called it" Jake said. "Also, I've loaded all of my favorite karaoke backing tracks onto my phone. Kevin and I will be duetting 'Rolling in the Deep!'"

Terry turned around. "All right, that's it. Emergency squad meeting, briefing room, two minutes."

Two minutes later, the squad was sat at tables in the briefing room as Terry wrote on the board: "Adult parties" in capital letters.

"Uh, adult parties? Sergeant, I believe they're called orgies. No look five" Jake said, and high-fived Charles.

"I met my wife at an orgy. Well, she was leaving an orgy and we bumped into each other on the street. Real Meet Cute" said Scully.

"Thank you for exhibiting exactly why this meeting is necessary. Everyone here needs some instruction on interacting with grown-ups" said Terry.

"Sergeant, why am I here?" asked Amy. "I'm always incredibly appropriate. In high school, I was voted 'most appropriate.'"

"Ooh, self burn. Those are rare" you said.

"I shouldn't be here either. I'm fine at parties. I just stand in the middle of the room and don't say anything" Rosa said.

"Here are the rules. No staring at your phones, no rolling in two hours late. No sweatpants, no jeans and no shorts" Terry said.

"What about dress-up shorts? For instance, the kind Jen Aniston might wear?" asked Gina.

"No, those are still shorts. No shorts. And everybody bring a bottle of wine" said Terry.

"Why are there so many rules? Next thing you're gonna say is that we can't be late" Jake said.

"Yeah, that's, like, the first thing I said" Terry said.

"Ooh" you said.


Later that day, you and most of the squad were waiting for Jake outside Holt's house.

"This neighborhood's amazing. Class just seeps out of every vestibule" said Amy.

"Keep it in your pants, Santiago" you said.

"Scully, I specifically said no shorts" Terry said, turning to Scully.

"Sarge, it's not my fault. You said so many things about shorts, I got confused" said Scully. "Man, did I screw the pooch."

Jake walked/ran up to the group.

"Peralta, where have you been?" asked Terry.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I know. I am three... ty-five minutes late. Yikes! But I had to stop and get some wine" Jake said. "It's from the finest vineyard in Arkansas."

Everyone else showed their wine, and it was all the same brand and type.

"Ah, samesies!" you said.


You and Jake opened the door to Holt's house. You walked inside to see lots of people talking to each other, and piano music playing in the background.

"Ah, welcome" Holt said.

Everyone said "Captain!", apart from Amy, who decided to make things weird and say "Raymond! Those slacks are a knockout. Come on, Amy."

"I trust you all found my home easy to locate and thank you all for wearing appropriate footwear" said Holt.

"Wow, you really let your hair down when you're not at the office" said Jake as Kevin walked up.

"Ah, detectives, meet my husband, Kevin" Holt said.

"Nice to meet you. Hi" everyone said.

"Evening. So glad you could make it. Ah, and look, he brought us some wine... drink. This is legally called 'wine drink.' Hmm, how very thoughtful. Thank you" said Kevin.

"It's red. Like blood. You know, me and y/n once worked a double homicide on this block a couple years ago. The details will astound you" Jake said.

"Yes, I am sorry. Perhaps Raymond didn't say anything. Our home has a 'no shoptalk' policy. I don't bring home Beowulf, and he doesn't bring home cop stories" said Kevin. "So may I pour you some of this wine drink you brought us? Perhaps all of it?"

"All of it sounds good" you said. This was going to be a long and interesting evening.

I need your opinion on something. I plan on spending Friday afternoon/evening and Saturday finishing writing Season 1 for this. Would you prefer it if I published all chapters at once, or stick to my regular schedule? Either one would mean that I could get ahead on writing Season 2, so I don't mind. It's your guys choice.

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