The Vulture Part 4

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As you and the squad walked/ran down to the trash chute, Amy pulled out a flashlight.

"You have a ten-pound flashlight in your purse, but not a hairdryer?" Jake asked Amy, pulling open the trash chute.

Amy ignored Jake, switched on her flashlight and peered down the trash chute. "I can't see far enough down."

"Someone's gonna have to go down in there. Someone with narrow shoulders." you said, looking at Charles.

"No! I have broad shoulders. I have narrow hips, but broad shoulders" Charles exclaimed in protest as the whole squad looked at him.

The squad continued to stare at Charles. "God!"

A few moments later, Charles' feet were sticking out of the trash chute.

"See anything?" Jake asked.

"A little lower" Charles said, his voice echoing up the trash chute.

You and Jake lowered Charles a bit further down the trash chute.

"Freeze! Hands in the air!" a voice said from behind you, causing you and Jake to drop Charles, leaving his feet sticking out, just keeping him from falling.

"We're cops" you said.

"Broad shoulders! Stuck! Told you. Broad shoulders" Charles said from the trash chute as you and the squad put your hands up.


You and the rest of squad were standing in the bullpen as the Vulture yelled at Holt in Holt's office.

"What kind of precinct are you running here?" the Vulture yelled.

"Would you like to sit down, Detective?" was all you heard before the shouting returned to levels much more appropriate for a normal conversation between two adults.

"What now?" you asked Amy.

"Holt is gonna kill you" Amy said to Jake and you.

"I don't think he will ... because ... Voila!" Jake said.

"You actually found the corkscrew in the trash chute?" Amy said, shocked.

"Stuck to the side, just like you said" you said to Amy.

"Oh, my god, you guys, we out-Vultured the Vulture" Amy said happily. She imitated a bird cawing loudly, much to the confused looks of everyone else in the bullpen.

"What the hell was that?" Jake asked.

"What? It's a vulture" Amy explained.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna take this corkscrew over to the D.A, so we get the collar, not Major Crimes" Jake said, taking the bag containing the corkscrew from Charles.

"Peralta! Now" Terry said, walking across the bullpen, Gina behind him, signalling to Jake to go out on the roof.

A few moments later, Jake and Terry walked out from the roof and into Holt's office, where the Vulture, although he had calmed down a bit, was still being very loud.

Then, the Vulture walked out of Holt's office, winking at you as he did so, making you throw up inside at how disgusting he was.

"Stay foxy" the Vulture said to Amy.

"Die lonely" she answered, with you then making her high-five you.

Jake walked out of Holt's office as the squad gathered round him. "Well, case closed. Good work everyone. Let's, uh, call it a night without any further discussion."

"No!" Holt said from behind Jake. "All of you broke into a crime scene under the direct influence of alcohol, overstepped your jurisdiction and disobeyed my direct orders."

The squad instantly looked and felt guilty.

"Everyone involved tonight is gonna get written up" Holt continued.

"Okay, fine" Jake agreed. "Here's everyone who was there. Jake Peralta, J Peralta, Dr Jacob Peralta, who has a PhD in slow-jam studies from Funktown State University, also involved was the Honorable Jacob Peralta and his friend, Jakey Peralta."

Your eyes widened as Jake took the blame for all of the squad's actions tonight. Something, which a few years ago, you wouldn't have thought was possible.

"Okay, enough" Holt said.

"My point is, it was a Peralta special. No one else was there" Jake finished, looking down at his hands.

"Well, Detective, I'm happy to see that you're learning how to be part of a team. Everybody go home. Sleep it off" Holt said, as Terry walked over to Holt holding a target.

The squad walked back to their desks, tired after their eventful night, thankful that Holt had let all of them off.

"I just want sleep" you groaned to Jake as the two of you left the building, out on to the street. Alcohol and the fact that you had been very busy that day was not helping with how tired you were.

"Okay, y/n. You go home. I'll see you tomorrow" Jake said, walking off in the direction of his apartment as you waved him goodbye as you got into your car.

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