The Apartment Part 2

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Jake walked into the apartment where you and Gina where waiting.

"Aw, that bad?" asked Gina.

"I'm gonna be homeless. A homeless cop" said Jake, sitting down. "It's like a made for TV movie. That I will not be able to watch because I won't have a television, because I'll be homeless."

"First of all, you could watch it on your phone. Second, this isn't the only apartment in the city. We'll find you a new one" you said.

"You're right. You're right. This could be good. I mean, maybe we'll find a great place" said Jake.

"Atta girl" Gina said.

"In a cooler neighborhood" continued Jake.

"That's right, girl" said Gina.

"Maybe I'll even have a cute neighbor" finished Jake.

"Get it, girl" said Gina.

"Okay, you have got to stop calling me girl" said Jake.

"Sorry, girl" Gina said.


"Is this a pre-war?" you asked.

"Ah, you have a good eye. Also you should know it's also pet-friendly" the estate agent said.

"Really? Do they allow cats?" asked Jake, looking at the many cats in the room.

"I can't tell if you're being sarcastic" said the estate agent.

At the next apartment, you looked at how small the apartment was.

"How would you even get a bed in here?" Jake asked.

In answer, the owner walked to the wall and pulled down a bed.

"Oh, Murphy bed" you said.

"Nope" said Jake, walking away.

At the seventh apartment, which was the opposite of the previous one, you looked around the apartment.

"This is kinda cool" Gina said. "High ceilings, so many windows."

"Gina, the toilet is in the middle of the living room" said Jake.

"I think it's sexy" said Gina.

You and Gina both gasped when a pigeon flew out of the toilet. Gina ran out of the room, screaming.


"Should we turn some lights on?" asked Gina as you were all sat down in Jake's apartment later on in the day.

"Trying to save electricity, Gina" said Jake.

"Your massage chair is on" you said.

"Yeah, I'm poor, not a savage. Man, what am I gonna do?" Jake asked, sighing heavily.

"Well, what if I bought this apartment?" suggested Gina, sitting up.

Jake scoffed. "What are you talking about?"

"And then I could rent it to you till you find a new place" continued Gina.

"What? How could you afford this place? Have you been dealing drugs?" Jake asked.

"No, I'm thrifty. I cut my own hair. I walk to work. I eat Scully's lunch every day. I've rented the same crap box since I was twenty 'cause it's so cheap. I've saved up money, and I'm looking for a real estate opportunity" explained Gina.

"Ew. A real estate opportunity?" Jake asked. "Are you being serious? We were drinking 40's this morning."

"I'm saying, I could give you a fair rent because I would be your landlady" Gina said.

"Whoa, whoa, you be my landlady? You're Gina. Your lifelong dream is to be on Wife-Swap. You call gum 'the dentist.' You think Ray J is a national treasure" said Jake.

"Yeah, so what? I'm eclectic" Gina said.

"You're not better than me, okay? And I'm glad that I still own this place because I can happily invite you to leave" said Jake, gesturing Gina towards the door.

"Grow up, Jake" Gina said, before leaving.

Jake imitated Gina. "'Grow up, Jake.'"

"Oh, my goodness" said Gina.

"Yeah, thanks for your help" said Jake. "Old school styles. I take back the 'z!'"


"So, now you're living at Gina's place?" you asked.

"Yeah. She's gonna live at Nana's and I'll pay her something like, every month" said Jake.

"Cool. Anyway, I'm going to go home now. See you tomorrow" you said, grabbing your jacket and standing up.

"Bye" Jake called as the elevator doors closed.

"Bye, Jake" you shouted.

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