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It has been one of the greatest and most difficult years of my life. I learned everything is temporary. Moments. Feelings. People. Flowers. and most of all friendships. Long friendships are like jewels, Polished over time to become beautiful and enduring

I used to think friendship was sleepover and play dates. now I know it's not. Friendship is three in the morning talks about what happened the day before and why the hell you're still awake. Friendship is three in the afternoon laughing so hard you're on the floor at the corny joke for the third time that day. Friendship is sitting there eating in silence because you would rather eat than talk and they would too. Friendship is love in the strangest ways when all else is lost.

Friends I had all my life. People would beg to my friend and later in the years I found out who were real and who weren't but now I truly know the real definition of friends but that got quickly taken away. Too soon for my liking.

Love is stronger than death even though it won't stop death from happening. But no matter how hard death tries it can't separate people from love. It can't take away our memories either. in the end. Life is stronger than death. But death will always defeat life in the long run It might not take those precious moments we love so much but it does take the person we made those memories with. Memories might become special right after the person is gone, we all know someday that person won't stay forever which is why we hold on to those moments those small memories we have in our heads from that one person but in the end memories always fade.

Everything eventually fades.

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