The Adoption

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Mary and Jennie were so happy walking up the courthouse steps.

Each of them was dressed in very bright Sunday dressed and they were each holding one of Jaxson's hands as he was dressed in a long sleeve shirt and a vest with tan pants with black velcro shoes.

Jaxson was actually for the first time since his new life started..


He had forgotten everything about his old life.

He knew in his heart that he was with his mommies. The mommies that he was meant to be with.


The judge welcomed them into the courtroom saying..

" Welcome Mary and Jennie and Welcome little Jaxson."

" I'm ready to finalize this adoption."

Mary and Jennie started crying a little.

The judge said...

" Mrs. Mary and Mrs. Jennie.... I now pronounce you are both the legal guardians of young Jaxson here."

" I wish you all a very happy life together.

Both ladies thanked the judge and they picked Jaxson up and kissed him.

Jaxson hugged both of his mommies as best he could.

It was adorable.

The ladies left with thier new little boy.


They drove down the road away from the courthouse.

Jaxson was busy in his carseat playing with a stuffed animal that his mommies gave him earlier that morning in case he got upset.


Jaxson had fallen asleep in his carseat.

He sucked on his pacifier.

He was happy.

He was loved.

He was home.

The End.

Author's note:

Thank you everyone so very much for your votes comments and love for my stories. It truly means the world to me in more ways than I could possibly say in words.

I hope everyone is staying safe and your families are safe.

Be sure to keep on smashing the follow button for my profile and spreading the word about my wonderful stories.

It means the world to me truly it does.

Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart.

Much love.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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