Baby Food

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Mary had been sitting on the couch with Jaxson in her lap watching a Disney sing along video clapping Jaxson's hands together and singing the lyrics to him when Jennie came home from the store.

Jennie brought in several bags of groceries and put them away in the kitchen.

She then came into the living room and saw Jaxson in his diaper and said

" Awww did a certain little boy lose his potty training?"

Jaxson huffed again saying

" Nwos she did it to me" pointing at Mary.

Mary replied

" Well this little boy leaked in his pullups and only babies leak so it's back to diapers "

Jennie smiled

Mary said..

" And besides you look soo adorable little boy "

She tickled his sides and Jaxson couldn't help but laugh.

Jennie kissed Jaxson's forehead and kissed Mary's lips.

" Well you'll get the hang of potty training one day cutie "

Jaxson huffed and went back to watching the childish singing video.

Jennie prepared dinner and called to Mary saying it was ready.

Mary carried Jaxson into the kitchen and strapped him into the highchair and put his bib around his neck.

Jaxson felt the diaper push his legs apart between the straps as well as make it impossible to close his legs.

Mary brought a couple glasses of wine for her and Jennie. She also brought a bottle for Jaxson.

She sat at the table as Jennie brought in the food.

She set a small plate of food on Jaxson's tray and a small jar of dark yellow food near her.

She gave Mary her plate and they all began eating.

Jaxson huffed as he kept struggling with the plastic silverware but was able to eat the food he was given.

Once he was done eating...

Jennie opened the jar of food and said..

" Mama's got dessert right here for you my little boy "

Jaxson said

" I'm not eating baby food "

Jennie said

" Well you ate all your dinner like a big boy so you get dessert."

Jaxson said

" I'm not a baby. Stop calling me that "

Mary slightly tapped Jaxson on his leg underneath the tray saying

" Now Now Jaxson you're in a diaper and sitting in a highchair so that qualifies you as a baby "

" Now come on eat your dessert... its yummy peaches"

Jennie dipped the spoon into the jar and moved it towards Jaxson's mouth....

" Here comes the airplane pumpkin "

As the spoon got closer to his mouth...

Jaxson pursed his lips not opening them.

Mary tickled his feet causing him to laugh and Jennie put the dark mush in his mouth.

" Hmmpph" Jaxson said as the spoon was put into his mouth.

Jaxson swallowed it...

It  tasted sweet to him...

Both women said

" Awww someone likes his dessert "

Jaxson ate the rest of it as he was fed with little resistance.

He figured some dessert was better than no dessert even if it was baby food.

To be continued...

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