A New Routine

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Jaxson was laid down on the changing table by Mary. She knew that he needed his diaper changed.

She made quick work of changing his diaper just as she did in the park.

Once she was done... she had Jennie carry him out of his nursery while she went to fix dinner.

Jennie put another sing-a-long video on the tv and sat with Jaxson in her lap and had him clapping along.

Jaxson at one point actually started to sing " Let it Go " and Jennie smiled at his attempt.

Mary came in and said dinner was ready.

She had made a meal of macaroni and cheese with chicken nuggets.

Jennie put Jaxson in his highchair as usual. Jaxson had noticed that she put the chest strap across his chest this time.

The last few times they only put the stomach strap around his waist.

Mary brought the food in and set it in the usual places.

In between bites of thier own food..

They each took turns feeding Jaxson his dinner.

Jaxson noticed he did have a bottle this time....

Only a sippy cup of water.

He was relieved about not having to drink from a bottle.

Once everyone was done eating... Jaxson was cleaned up and put in his playpen for a while.


Jaxson was taken by Mary around 7PM for his evening bath. He was so embarrassed being seen naked and being bathed by Mary.

" Don't be bashful little trooper. Babies like you always like bath time with their mommy" as she cleaned him from head to toe.


Once the bath was finished.... Mary dried him off and brushed his teeth for him. She then carried him into his nursery and got him in a fresh diaper and a t-shirt and socks to sleep in.

Jaxson prayed he would just be able to go to sleep.


Jennie came in the nursery a few minutes later and Mary handed Jaxson to her.

" Don't forget to turn on the baby monitor when you've gotten our little trooper to sleep."

" No problem sweetie " Jennie said.

She walked over to the big comfy chair and sat down with Jaxson in her lap.


Jaxson figured he would now get his bottle for being put in the crib or his crib now to go to sleep.


Jennie then lifted her shirt up revealing her huge breasts.


As she moved Jaxson's mouth toward her exposed nipple...

Jaxson cried...

" Nwos Nwos Mama pwease nwots dwat pwease."

He continued to weep and shiver.

Jennie rubbed his back gently

" Shhh Shhhh little trooper. Mama and Mommy just want to make sure you get all the right nutrition you need."

Mary yelled from the hallway..

" Everything ok Jennie "

She responded

" Yes. He's just getting use to it."

" Ok honey. I'll try it with our baby tomorrow."

" Ok sweetie " Jennie said.


Jaxson was crying even more. Now Mary was going to breastfeed him too.


Jennie brought his face up to her boob and popped it into his mouth.

" Hmmpph " Jaxson mumbled

He felt his tounge touch her wet nipple.

She rubbed his back gently saying

" Just suckle like it's a bottle sweetheart "

Jaxson realized he had no choice....

He sucked in and out. He felt the milk flowing into his mouth.

It was warm and sweet and comforting.

Jennie just rocked him gently. Only switching him to her other breast when the other own felt empty.

Jaxson slowly fell asleep in her arms. He didn't object to the feeding once he got use to suckling.


Jennie carried him to his crib and laid him down. She turned on the mobile on the crib above his head.

She also tucked him in kissing his forehead and sticking the pacifier into his mouth.

" Night Night my little trooper "

She turned the baby monitor on and she quietly left the room closing the door turning the light off as she left the room.

To be continued....

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