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Jaxson noticed Mary was carrying him down the hall towards the bathroom.

He was used to it after a couple of days being here. Although he didn't like it very much

Mary passed the bathroom without stopping.

Jaxson spoke up saying

" What bout the potty?"

She responded..

" Sorry trooper but you've proven that you're not ready for potty training "

She opened the door to her and Jennie's bedroom and laid Jaxson down on the bed.

She grabbed a plastic mat and laid it on the bed.

She then lifted Jaxson onto it and ripped off the soggy pullup and threw it in the bathroom trash can.

Jaxson laid there cold...

" W W what are you doing?"

Mary replied...

" I told you you're not ready for potty training... now you need something different "

Jaxson started to hyperventilate...

Mary kissed his forehead saying

" It's okay my little trooper. I'll make it all better "

She popped his pacifier that she clipped to his shirt into his mouth.

She went into the bathroom and came back with a white garment wipes powder and cream.

Jaxson saw what was in her hand...

It was a diaper.

A diaper.

Jaxson sucked on his pacifier and whimpered behind it.

He couldn't believe this was about to happen to him.

It had been decades since he was in a diaper.

Mary grabbed some wipes and she began to clean him off to get rid of the stench of pee.

Once she was done she lifted Jaxson's legs towards his chest and stomach and slid a diaper under his bottom and lowered his legs back.

She then grabbed the rash cream and put a little on her fingers.

Jaxson sucked harder and faster on the pacifier.

He wanted to fight his way out of this but he knew he wouldn't make it very face because he slept the whole way from the mall.

Mary then rubbed it in with two fingers and applied some baby powder and rubbed it in as well.

She then pulled the diaper up to his waist and taped it up.

She pulled his shirt down and lifted him up saying...

" There's my diaper trooper "

She stood Jaxson up and placed him on the carpet for a minute.

Jaxson looked in the mirror on the door...

He couldn't believe it...

He was in a diaper like a baby.

It wasn't right...

He was an adult and adults don't wear diapers.

Do they? He thought to himself

To be continued....

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