Home and Dinner

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The sound of the car tires on a drive way woke Jaxson from his sleep.

He had fallen asleep on the long car ride.

Mary looked in the rear view mirror and said...

" Aww a certain sleepy head is awake Jennie"

Jennie turned and looked at Jaxson and smiled.

Mary turned the car off and got out and helped Jaxson out of the carseat.

Jaxson reached for the backpack he grabbed out of his car and slung it over his shoulder.

They all walked towards the house.

It was a huge flat looking mansion.

Jennie unlocked the front door and they all went inside.

Jaxson was surprised at what he saw.

The living room had a playpen and lots of little kid toys in it as well as a huge couch with a big TV.

Jaxson shrugged it off remembering the statement about the nephew.

Jennie asked...

" Are you hungry Jaxson?"

He replied

" I guess."

Jennie said

" Great. Mac and cheese sound good?"

Mary replied

" Sure"

Jaxson nodded his head in agreement.

She walked to the kitchen to start making it.

Jaxson set his bag on the couch and asked Mary..

" Where's the restroom?"

Mary said

" Down the small hallway on the right. I'll show you"

She led Jaxson to the bathroom and opened the door.

Jaxson went to pull his pants down and Mary began to help him. As she pulled his pullups down...

Jaxson replied

" I can do it myself"

Mary replied

" Oh sorry force of habit Jennie's nephew is potty training "

She let Jaxson use the bathroom.

Once he was done... he pulled the pullup back on and his pants.

Mary was waiting outside of the bathroom and she led him back to the living room.

They sat on the couch playing some card games.

Dinner was ready a little while later..

Mary led Jaxson to the dinning room. Jaxson saw only two regular chairs at the table and a highchair in between them.

Mary said

" I hope you don't mind sitting in a highchair. We don't have company usually. And Jennie's nephew likes it as opposed to a regular chair.

Jaxson said...

" Whatever I'm hungry "

Mary unlatched the tray and lifted Jaxson into the chair and strapped him in.

Jaxson protested

" Really? I'm an adult you know "

She replied

" Well it's a highchair and we don't want you to fall over."

Jaxson responded

" Ughhh whatever Goddamn"

Mary was started by the language but dismissed it.

She put the tray back into place. And sat on Jaxson's left.

Jennie came in with bowls of the macaroni and cheese and set two down on the table and the other one on the tray in front of Jaxson.

Jennie grabbed a spoon once she sat down and asked Jaxson

" Do you want to feed yourself or do you want us to take turns?"

Jaxson responded

" Jesus Christ do I look like a baby to you? I can do it myself "

Mary raised her voice

" Now Jaxson there is no cussing in this house. I let the first one slide but not a second time. Do you understand me?"

Jaxson scoffed saying

" Yeah yeah"

They all went about eating.

Once they were done.

Jennie helped Jaxson out of the highchair and led him back to the living room and watched TV with him while Mary did the dishes.

Once it was bedtime....

Jennie brought out some PAW Patrol blankets and a pillow.

" I'm sorry about this Jaxson. As we said the only company we've had is a little boy the last few weeks"

Jaxson replied

" I get it. It's not like I'll be here very long anyway"

Jennie set up the sheets and pillows on the couch for Jaxson.

Jaxson plopped down on the couch with his head hitting the pillow and covering himself with the childish bedding

Before Jennie had the cards and TV turned off..

Jaxson was dead asleep to the world....

Snoring and breathing.

Mary came in and saw the boy on the couch sleeping....

She walked over to Jennie and kissed her and  then kissed Jaxson on the forehead.

The boy just shivered a bit. Jennie did the same thing.

They both kissed each other and walking out of the room turning out the lights..

Jennie and Mary whispered to each other

" He's perfect "

And they went off to bed themselves.

To be continued

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