Family Outing

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Jaxson was wondering where they were going.

Jennie had buckled him into his carseat and popped his pacifier into his mouth that was attached to his sailor outfit.

He was able to only see the tops of some cars barely out the car window.

Mary said to Jennie...

" I hope Jaxson has fun today?"

Jennie responded..

" I'm sure he will but are you sure this is a good idea right now?"

Mary responded...

" Well.. he's got to get use to it sooner rather than later. "

Jennie nodded her head in agreement.

" Use to what?" Jaxson thought to himself.

He sucked on the pacifier more not knowing what he was in store for. He hated being treated like a baby and having to suck on a pacifier for comfort....

But he knew it was the only way to give himself some sort of comfort.

Mary stopped the car a few minutes later and she and Jennie got out.

Jennie opened the back of the van and got something out as Mary opened Jaxson's door and unbuckled him from the carseat...

Jaxson was able to see where he was finally being taken..

It was a little kid's park.

Jaxson pulled the pacifier out of his mouth and looked at Mary saying...

" N N Nwo pwease nwots heres"

He didn't care that he was speaking like a baby at this point.

Or that he was wetting his diaper out of pure fear.

Jennie heard and came over to rub his back.

Both Mary and Jennie said

" It's okay little guy. We just want you to have some fun. Now let's get a move on"

Jaxson knew he lost this battle.

Jenny popped his pacifier back into his mouth.

Mary strapped him into the stroller that was set up.

Jennie brought the diaper bag along and Mary pushed the stroller towards the playground.

Once they were near a bench.... Mary unstrapped Jaxson and carried him over to the play area and put him in a swing.

Jaxson huffed out of frustration he didn't wanna be here. He wanted to be anywhere but in public.

Although his mind was slipping into babyish thoughts as he giggled every time he saw Mary make a funny face at him as he came back towards her on the swing.

After a while Mary took him out of the swing and back over to the bench where Jennie was sitting.

" Did our little trooper have funs.... did he?" Jennie said as she tickled his sides.

Jaxson broke out in laughter...
He couldn't help it.

" I'll take that as a yes" Mary said.

Jennie brought out a bottle of warm liquid again and sat with Jaxson in her lap and fed him his bottle.

Jaxson didn't fight her. All the swinging made him thirsty.

Mary checked his diaper once he was done being fed and noted he needed a change.

She set up the changing mat on the bench and made quick work of changing Jaxson.

He blushed bright red with embarrassment.

Once she was done. She made sure his diaper was secure and stood him up.

She didn't put his shorts on.

" Awww our little sailor trooper looks adorable doesn't he Jennie? " Mary said

" Yeppers he does " giggled Mary.

Jaxson huffed and whimpered and sucked on his pacifier again.

Being dressed as a baby at home was one thing.

But now having his diaper exposed in public was another thing entirely and the pacifier in his mouth was the only thing that gave him comfort....

To be continued...

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