An Announcement

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The rest of the day had gone by smoothly.

Jaxson did put up much of a fight on anything.

He had to be changed several times in the afternoon after his afternoon nap.

He knew in his mind that he wasn't a baby but his body, clothing, activities and actions all said different.

It was dinner time a short time later and he was fed macaroni and cheese and chicken nuggets.

His mommies had figured out it was his favorite food.

He even threw the silverware aside and ate with his fingers getting very messy along the way.

Mary and Jennie didn't say much... they just giggled and laughed at their baby boy in the highchair.


Jennie took Jaxson to the bathroom for his nighttime bath. She cleaned him from head to toe and he played with the bubbles to keep himself entertained.


Jennie dried him off and brushed his teeth and carried him to his nursery and got him in a clean diaper and sat with him in the chair and breast fed him again.

Mary came in the room and smiled at the sight she saw.

Jennie finished feeding Jaxson and she burped him. She then dressed him in a dinosaurs romper and placed him in his crib.


Jaxson sat up in the crib and smiled at the two women he knew as his now mommy and mama.

He was amazed that he had grown so close to these two ladies.

He figured he shouldn't fight it anymore....

These were his mommies.

This is his home.

This is where he belonged.


Mary then said...

" Guess what pumpkin mommy has an announcement "

Jaxson cringed a slight bit. He was worried it involved a punishment or something.

" Tomorrow morning me and mama are going to adopt you and your going to be our little baby boy forever "

Jaxson was stunned a bit at the news.

He said..

" Bwuts mommy me an adults me nwots a baby "

Jennie giggled saying...

" Well everything here included your current emotional state and image say different."

Jaxson just blushed. He knew his mama was right.

He was a baby.

He was their baby.

Mary continued...

" We have to go to the courthouse tomorrow and see the judge and get it all settled. "

"So as of tomorrow morning at 10am.... "

"You Jaxson will no longer be an adult. You will be a little two year old baby boy and never grow up again "

Jaxson's mind was going crazy...

He couldn't believe what he just heard.

He wanted to cry and throw a temper tantrum....

But he didn't....

He knew his mommies were right.

He trusted them now.

He was a baby.

He was their baby.

To be continued.....

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