Dil | Heart

715 51 25

Balochistan, Pakistan.
16:49 pm.

The barren mountains of Balochistan sat in the southwest region of Pakistan. The air hot and dry in the mid of summer season.

The sky was all clear, the sun beaming with all its might in the late afternoon on that weekend.

As the sunshine drowned the province in its warmth, some of its beams reflected against the car hood which was running ahead on the M8 highway.

The highway stretched from Turbat, the second largest city of Balochistan towards the east where a lot of villages were settled.

The car rode along the outskirts of Shapuk, one of the many villages lined on the east of the main city.

"How much more?" A groan from the back seat sounded before Daniyal sat up from his half-lying position and pulled his legs up in a criss-cross.

"A little bit," Alizey turned to glance at him from the passenger seat.

Manha was snoring beside him on the back seat while Bilal was driving.

They had taken a flight from Karachi to Turbat airport and had been on the road from there. The distance between the city and their destination wasn't much but the night's exhaustion was catching up.

"And look at this witch, sleeping so peacefully," he narrowed his eyes at Manha who had a neck pillow around her neck and head leaned on the window.

"Kitna rote ho tum Daniyal," Alizey clicked her tongue making him roll his eyes before turning to look out. The windows were tinted and blocking the sunlight but the dusty grounds on either side of the road were all shining under the sun.

The road got divided into two like one they came straight from earlier and he noticed Bilal taking the paved path on the straight road once again.

Sighing, Daniyal leaned his head back and turned to look at Manha. 

The Manha he remembered was a cute fleshy one with her love-struck eyes and innocence and shyness of the first love. The freshly grown-up child.

But she was a woman now. The one who had been through hell. The one with a tall and lean body. She was confident, more than he had ever seen her in London. Her face didn't have much flesh now, her double chin wasn't there, her skin had too many acne marks, they were still there but not as prominent as that time.

Noticing the sudden scrunch of her nose he swallowed looking away.

One side of the road had a vast open land spread around with dusty grounds and the left side had a spectacular view of mountains.

The sun was starting to set and the golden glow was illuminating the area as far as they could see.

"Where are we?" Her hoarse voice reached Daniyal making him glance at her who sat up and was pulling her hair in a ponytail.

"Heaven. Good morning," Manha rolled her eyes.

"You won't be there,"

They were crossing a bridge when he saw Manha roll the window down as she smiled slightly from the fresh air.

"Hey, it's dusty, don't open the windows," Bilal called out making Manha line her lips before she rolled the window back up and turned to Daniyal who had his eyes on her.

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