Emandar | Honest

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*Rant ahead. You can skip till the chapter starts if you want.*

So I felt like the day was super boring and I could treat you all with an update and because I can not wait for you all to read ahead. There is so much left and I want to update the whole book. *Patience who?*

I am bored out of my mind. There is literally nothing to do. I edited the whole Chasing Love  in two days (I miss Ammar and Zahra days) and now I have to write Mahnoor and Ruba's story (the ideas are pouring in like crazy) plus Muntazir's epilogue (Not a single idea for that) but I am blank. This writer's block is killing me.

(And Zirwa is hitting my head with a hammer for forgetting about her, her husband and twinnies but I am too lazy for that)

Eid is just around the corner and I can not wait!!!

Sorry for the rant lol. Please continue.

Manha's apartment.
11:33 pm.

Manha's eyes flickered as she felt heaviness load into her chest once again.

Sitting up, she rubbed her chest, her stomach grumbling from hunger, her head dizzying because of the fever before she gagged and rushed to the restroom emptying her guts out.

"Manha?" Alizey's sleepy voice reached her before she held her hair back and Manha threw up once again.

"Are you okay?" Alizey rubbed her back as she closed her eyes, her body shivering because of the cold floor.

"C'mon," Alizey helped her rinse her mouth before Manha took deep breaths.

"I am feeling suffocated here," she muttered through her dried throat before Alizey led her out to the terrace and Manha sucked in as much oxygen as she could.

The suffocation reminded her of the basement. Dark and lonely and she felt her breaths laboring again.

"Hey, relax!" Alizey held her shoulders making her sit there as Manha looked around the terrace. Her home.

She leaned back closing her eyes before picking a cushion and put it on her chest stuffing her face into it.

She felt her heart calming as she turned to look at Alizey sitting there with a worried look on her face.

"It smells of him," she sniffed pulling the cushion closer to her and bit her lower lip when it wobbled.

"Why are you pushing him away now? He was going crazy Manha. You won't believe but he was literally going mad."

"It does something to my heart that he cared but the protective part of myself refuses to acknowledge it Alizey. I don't want to fall into this again," she shut her eyes feeling goosebumps cover her arms because of shivers in her body. Her fever was not going any down.

"He loves you. He is not going to hurt you," Alizey whispered tugging her hair behind her ear.

"I thought this seven years back too."

"And that was seven years ago Manha."

"I can't forget."

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