Bayhiss | Insensitive

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Travel chapters begin from here and they are my favorite everrrr. It feels like I am present there enjoying all the rush. I love researching about all the places and writing them, hope you all love reading it as well. I try to make them as informative as I can.


ایک آگ غمِ تنہائی کی
جو سارے بدن میں پھیل گئی

جب جسم ہی سارا جلتا ہو
پھر دامنِ دل کو بچائیں کیا

Warsaw Chopin Airport.
02:54 am.

Manha zipped the jacket over her body, huffing while making her way out of the airport with the team.

It had just stopped raining in Warsaw, Poland and the late January weather had dropped immensely. It was midnight and the dark sky was covered with grey clouds that had been pouring down the city.

"Damn this Daniyal! He isn't even picking my call," Irsa cursed irritated at the lack of sleep making Manha roll her eyes.

"Trust me he wouldn't give a damn if our flight gets crashed or whatever. His sleep is important," she mumbled pulling the beanie down her ears.

Smoke was coming out of her mouth as the coldness hit.

"Oh, there!" Sadia gestured to the driver waving Irsa's name tag.

"Thank god!" They all made their way to the cars settling inside.

"At least he had the decency to arrange our pick up!" Hamna murmured as Manha pulled her phone out to check the temperature.

"It's minus three," she mumbled into the eerily silent car as Irsa dialed the rockstar's number repeatedly.

"Why are you wasting your time? He isn't going to wake up," Manha mumbled making Irsa raise her brows.

"How are you so sure?" There was a teasing tone in her question which made her still at her place for a second.

"He-" she swallowed feeling all of their eyes on her.

"Just a guess," she shrugged the lamest lie she could muster up.

"Ya right," Hamna snickered bumping her shoulder.

Manha rolled her eyes trying to ignore the embarrassment as the car came to a halt.

"Wow!" Hamna breathed as they stepped out looking at the corner building in downtown, Warsaw.

The roads were wet and silent, the golden beams of streetlights reflecting in them, the lit-up building looked straight out of the movie.

"C'mon let's get in," Irsa walked in as the gates were pulled open.

The weather inside was much warmer than the freezing city outside as the manager led them to the reception where Irsa checked their reservations.

"Manha you keep this room, me and Hamna are going together," she passed her one of the cards of suite after getting done with the others.

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