Chapter 63 || Elephant

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The rest of the flight, we ended up watching a couple of Disney movies, ate some food they gave us on the plane, and then slowly fell asleep on each other. When we woke up, we were in Delhi, India. We still had to take another flight to Bangalore, India.

Right now, we were sitting in a gate, waiting for our flight to start boarding. "Do you want me to go buy us some food? We're not boarding until an hour, we can explore the airport. There's a lot of cool things to buy," Adrian offers.

I nod eagerly, excited to look around the airport. I think I was mostly attracted by the amount of stuffed animals this store had. I want to go back there now.

"Can we go to that really cute store with stuffed animals. I wanted to buy one. You know... for my first time outside America."

"That's not the only thing we'll be buying," He winks as he wraps his hand around my wrist and pulls me in the direction of the rest of the airport. There were several kinds of people walking through the airport. Some were families, who were shouting at each other as they nearly ran towards their gates because their flights were boarding and they were running late.

Some were adults telling their kids that they won't buy them things at the airport because they're already spending a shit ton of money on their vacation. But since we were in India, I felt a little out of place. Like, I was kind of the only blonde here.

Adrian made me feel better though, because he was holding my hand and it makes everything feel better. My eyes light up when I see the stuffed animal store and I begin to pull Adrian towards it.

"They're so cute!" I squeal, nearly jumping up and down. "Do they take dollars? Because I haven't converted my money yet, and I'll be really sad if they don't take dollars."

"They take dollars," He nods and I grin from ear to ear as I get my card out. Then I begin to look around with Adrian looking around somewhere else. I find a really cute gopher stuffed animal, which I should totally give to Adrian. I mean... seriously though.

He would love it. I take it in my hands and then look around a little more. I find a cute elephant stuffed animal, which I totally am in love with. I mean, elephants are so cute! With their oversized ears and nose. Ugh!

I take the two stuffed animals in my hands and head to the checkout. I glance at a keychain, which had an infinity sign on it. I quickly place it with my other items. The cashier places it in a cute bag, and hands it over to me.

"On vacation here?" He asks me. "From America?"

"Yeah. My first time in a new country. Kind of excited though."

"That's a cute sweatshirt."

"Thanks," I smile. I was wearing an Ariana Grande sweatshirt. The one Adrian gifted me.

"I can give you my number if you'd like. Since it's your first time in India," He gives me a flirtatious smile, and I cock an eyebrow.

"Um, no thank you."

"It's not everyday a pretty girl like you visits India."

"You're right," Adrian's low, and dangerous voice speaks. I feel his arms hold mine... possessively. "It's not everyday a pretty girl like her visits India, with Adrian Black."

I notice the man's face drain of color as he hears Adrian's name. Referring to yourself in third person is lame, but when you're a feared mafia leader... it's kind of cool.

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