Chapter 5 || Coca Cola

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"Yeah. I am."

I squeak in response. "My parents really like you, Bailey. They look at you like their own daughter. I'm not going to be the reason to break their hearts again." Her face hardens, and it no longer looks as humorous and mischievous as before.

Now her makeup makes her face look darker and scarier, while before, it made her look like a really pretty Disney character. "Rest up," She says finally before leaving the room. Blake trails behind her, while Adrian stays.

"Aren't you going to leave too?"

"I will leave when they're not in the hallway anymore and have found themselves a room."

"Yeesh, third wheeling must be hard." Not that I know how it feels, I haven't ever had a friend, so it's definitely not in my experiences list. And I've experienced a lot of things no one should experience by now.

"I am not a third wheel."

"I bet you drive them places while they make out in the back seat," I laugh to myself.

"Shut up, before I knock you out."

I stop talking, lowering my gaze. What if he actually means it? I don't want to get hurt anymore... I'm done being hurt all the time. "Do tattoos hurt?" I blurt out.

"What?" Adrian Black looks at me as if I've completely lost my marbles. I continue to stare at his neck, where there's an intricate dragon tattoo. The tail of the dragon disappears into his shirt.

"Do tattoos hurt?" I've always considered covering up my scars with tattoos, but then again, they might hurt. They poke needles into your skin for God's sake. What kind of masochist would let themselves be poked by a needle out of free will in a place that is not a hospital?

Without answering my question, Adrian Black leaves the room. Rude. Just as I'm about to yell some curse words directed at him, I hear him shout, "Get a fucking room!" Well, that must be awkward for him.

Then I hear him scream in a really high pitched tone. "Blake stop! No, do not undress when I'm here!" He screams again and I hear a door slam shut. I giggle to myself. Ha! He deserves that!

But fuck! How long do I have to stay in fucking bed? Like the fuck am I supposed to do here? I left my fucking phone back at the store, and I can't play any games! Fucking fuck!

No, it's fine. I'm fine. Everything is fine! Literally everything is okay. I'm not going to have a mental breakdown. Everything is fucking fine. Lemme just... I scream internally, slamming my fist onto the nightstand.

"Ouch!" I scream, getting more frustrated. I want to move around! I don't want to be here! I'm supposed to be looking for my own apartment right now!

And now I'm hangry. I want food! Let me get off this damn bed... As delicately as possible, I turn onto my side and place my good foot onto the floor. I take hold of the crutches and begin to make my way out of the room.

Before stepping out, I make sure I'm not walking into Blake and Anna having sex or something... That would be more traumatizing than I could imagine. Thank goodness they took a room. I walk outside and start looking for the kitchen.

Holy fuck, it's down the staircase! Does this mansion have an elevator somewhere? I mean, if he's that rich, then he has to have an elevator. Aha! There it is. I press the button and it instantly opens.

Lovely. I step inside and press the down button. How many floors can this place possibly have? The elevator starts moving, but too bad there isn't any tacky elevator music. That always made me smile.

A while later it comes to a stop and the doors open. Yay! I successfully navigated myself to the bottom floor without taking the stairs! I think I deserve a medal. I start making my way to the kitchen, but holy fuck, this place is huge!

"You can walk?" I hear someone ask from the living room. At least I think that's the living room. It's all so confusing.

"I'm using my damn crutches," I snap. I see Adrian Black sitting leisurely on the couch, eating ice cream. Or to be more specific, strawberry ice cream. Damn, I thought no one ate that anymore. "Do you have food in here or what?" I ask as I start to shuffle through their cabinets and refrigerator.

I find some milk in there so I pour it into a glass. "Do you have some sugar?" I ask to no one in particular as I shuffle some more through the cabinets. Ah, look! It's in a cute little transparent packet. I didn't know they packed sugar like that, but oh well.

I pry it open through my teeth, and some of the powdery sugar flies out and goes into my nose and mouth. I giggle as I pour some into the milk and stir it with a spoon. I take a sip, and start to take one more before Adrian Black snatches the glass from my hands.

"You dumbass, that wasn't sugar!" He shouts, pouring the milk down the drain. I sniffle and look up at him.

"Oh, that's nice. Was it salt?"

"It was cocaine! You couldn't use your fucking brain?" He growls, wiping the powder off my face.

"It was coke? I didn't know Coca Cola made powder." That's nice. They're expanding their business.

"Stop, you're high. Just shut up. Here's some water," He hands me a glass of water and I gulp it down, wiping some drops off my lips afterward. Once I have some water in my system, realization hits me. I just inhaled cocaine!

"Oh no! I did drugs! The FBI is probably on my tail right now. I'm too young to go to jail!" I wail out, leaning against the counter for support.

"Stop. Just sleep it out or something. Go back to the room you came from and leave me the fuck alone," Adrian Black suggests, trying to coax me back into my room. Ha! As if I'll leave!

And he doesn't know how much of the cocaine I had, but it wasn't too much. I still have my grip on reality... But he doesn't know that. So let's just annoy him. For kidnapping me.

"Can I see the rest of that dragon tattoo?" I ask, but before he can answer, I pull on the hem of his black T-shirt and search for the rest of the tattoo.

"Let me the fuck go, you crackhead!" He snarls, moving away from me. And then I start singing at the top of my lungs.

"You are so beautiful! To meeeee! Can't you seeeeee? Catch," I toss an apple at him, which he catches and places aside.

"I'm leaving."

"I feel like destroying the kitchen!" I declare chirpily.

"On second thought, I might just stay."

I lift up one of my crutches and bong him on the head. Lightly though, I don't want anyone to get a concussion. "Ouch!" He yelps, jumping backwards.

"You've been a bad boy!" I reprimand in the best grandma voice I can speak in. "You're getting coal for Christmas!"

"It's literally June."

I hit him with my crutches, lightly, one more time. "Shut up! Why do you even have drugs in your kitchen?"

"None of your business."

"Tell me, or I'll hit you with the crutches again!"

"We were playing 'hide the object' and then whoever finds it first wins. I guess I won."

"You had to hide the cocaine? Out of all things?"

"It was Blake's idea. Shut the fuck up! You are so fucking annoying." Was that supposed to hurt? Because it did. My smile fades away and I begin to toe at the ground. "I'm leaving," He grumbles, storming away.

Some people don't know how much words hurt... And I should know, I've been hurt both physically and mentally. 


a/n: soooooo, did we like reading this chapter? sorry, I know it was a little bit more boring than the other ones, but i hope you enjoyed it anyway. 

thank you for reading! make sure you vote and comment, kay? love you!

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