Chapter 43 || Cuddling

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"Adrian, I'm going to murder you," I growl as I wince at the soreness. "Let me murder you right now."

He gives me an all knowing smirk, and that made me more annoyed. I limp over to the bed and sit down, but wince again. "It hurts to sit down," I whine. "Why do you have to be so big?"

"Says you. You were all like 'fuck me harder, Adrian' last night," He retorts. Then he says softly, "I'm sorry if I hurt you. I didn't mean to." There goes my heart again. Boom boom. He takes a seat next to me, and lifts my chin up so I can meet his gaze.

"You're beautiful," He whispers, planting a kiss on my lips. Does he have to be so damn cute all the time? My heart can't take it anymore!

"You look like poop," I compliment back. I deserve an A+ for that compliment, thank you very much. "I don't want to move," I groan. "It hurts."

"Then don't move," He states simply. "Cuddle with me."

"I'd like cuddling very much," I grin childishly. He grins back as he situates himself next to me on the bed, wrapping his arms around my body. I began to feel more aware of the fact that I was wearing nothing under this shirt.

Oh god, I'm getting horny again. No, resist the temptations! Cuddling is good for now. Your booty already hurts from last night. "Let's watch a movie... in the living room," I suggest. I need entertainment.

"Okay," He agrees, getting off the bed and heading out the door. Aw, I was hoping he'd carry me. Like, ew, who uses legs anymore? I sigh to myself as I stand up and walk out of the bedroom. More like limp. Holy fuck, this is painful.

When I make it out the door, I groan. Just a few more... a few more? Who am I kidding?! The living room is literally so far away. And now my legs feel cold. Maybe I should wear a bra and underwear? I don't even feel like moving, why would I do that?

I sigh to myself before I feel strong arms lift me up off my feet, carrying me, bridal style. "Can't see you in pain like that, baby," He tells me, as he carries me down the stairs. I feel a blush creep up onto my face.

"Remember when we first met? One of your men threw me into the car, and my ribs got fucked. You carried me up these same stairs while I was yelling at you to stop touching my ass."

"Do you want me to stop touching your ass?"

"No. Why would I say don't touch my ass? Touch away," I chuckle, feeling his hands move towards my butt. Now I know how Blake and Anna feel all the time. "I want to keep this shirt."

"You can keep all of mine," He says sweetly as he tosses me onto the couch. "Let me go get some ice cream. Do you want chocolate?"

"Y-" I remember what the girls said at the party. "No, I'm not hungry." He disappears into the kitchen, and comes back with ice cream and chocolate. Even when I told him I'm not hungry.

I'll gain weight! Then he won't like me anymore! "You look beautiful, okay?" He tells me as if he just read my mind. "You can eat how much ever you want and you'll still be beautiful to me."

"I'll gain weight," I mumble insecurely.

"No, you won't. If you really feel insecure, which you shouldn't, then you can come to the gym with me," He puts plainly. "I also want you to know that I'm not forcing you to eat either. Your body, your decisions, but whatever decision you make, don't do it out of insecurity."

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