Chapter 47 || Going Home

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"What do you want?" I growl out.

"Nothing special," Ava drawls. "I need you to come see me near the park where we first met. Don't worry, when we're done, it's up to you whether you want to return home to Bailey or not."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Don't be so bitter. Or are you just scared that you won't be able to resist my charms. I won't touch you. I'm not trying to flirt, this is strict business."

Business? What business does this witch have with me? Whatever it is, I'm not fucking going. I'm not leaving Bailey.

"Let's think of it this way. If you don't come, Bailey's in danger," Her voice flows smoothly through the phone, like a wicked siren's calling.

"That's bullshit."

"Is it? If it was, then I wouldn't know that you're on the floor right now with Bailey on your lap. She's currently twirling with her hair while staring up at you." I froze. How the fuck did she know-

Whatever Ava wants, I'll give it to her and come back home to Bailey. If I need to, I'll even put a bullet in Ava's head.

"I'll be there," I tell her, before hanging up.

"Are you going somewhere?" Bailey asks, still looking up at me with her eyes widened adorably.

"I'll be back," I say as Bailey removes her head from my lap while still looking at me.

"Can I come?"

"No, you can't. I promise, I'll be back. Don't worry. Watch Peppa Pig or something," I assure her before getting off the floor and heading out the door. She doesn't come after me. She just watches me leave.

"Well... have fun," I hear her soft voice through the door. I'm quite sure this will be anything but fun, I think darkly to myself as I reach the garage and get into Bailey's favorite car. The blue Ford.

As I begin to drive, several thoughts run through my mind. What does Ava want from me? My wealth? She can have it. She can have fucking all of it, as long as I get to be with Bailey.

Is Bailey safe at home? Ava wouldn't hurt Bailey as long as I come to see her. I know her that much. When I get home, I'm teaching Bailey how to fire a gun. I step on the gas so I can get this over with faster and get home to Bailey faster.

Soon, I pull up near the park that I first met Ava in. I remember thinking that she was extremely hot, and wanted to fuck her. I don't know what made me think that. Probably because she was wearing the same dress she is wearing right now.

It was a golden dress that fit her tightly. Now, I don't think she's hot. I climb out of my car, and walk over to her. "I knew you'd show up," She bats her eyeslashes. I take a step away from her.

"Just tell me what you wanted me here for."

"Remember when me and you were at the mall? Shopping? Remember that girl that kept staring at you as if you were eyecandy? Remember how I shot her afterwards?"

Yeah, I remember. But why is she mentioning it now? "What about it?" I ask bitterly.

"I'm not going to let any girl look at you the way I look at you. You're mine, Adrian Black. Mine, only."

"If that's all you wanted to tell me, then I'm leaving."

She lets out a bubbly laughter that would have men falling at her feet. Too bad I already belong to Bailey. "That's not all. Oh, Adrian, you make me laugh." She holds up a camera, and opens it's flap so I can see a video.

Horror courses through me as I watch the video. It was of Bailey pointing the gun at the woman from the day before my accident. She fires the gun, and the woman falls onto the ground.

Fuck! From the angle this video was taken in, it looks like Bailey was the one who killed the woman! It was me! Not her! "Delete that," I growl.

She cackles. Cackles. "Don't be silly. I'm not deleting this."

"I'll shoot you."

"If you shoot me," She laughs. "My girls will shoot Bailey. I have eyes everywhere, darling. I'm not forcing you to break up with her, but if you don't, I'm sending this video to the police," She shakes the camera slowly. "You've been in prison before, I haven't you? You were a minor back then, so the sentence wasn't nearly as harsh as it will be Bailey, who's an adult. Didn't prison scar you? Imagine what it'll do to that delicate little flower of yours."

Her eyes glint sinisterly and knowingly. She knows she has me in a checkmate. She's winning.

I felt my heart begin to pound against my chest. I would do fucking anything to be with Bailey, but I'd also do anything to keep her safe. Even if it means breaking her heart.

I know how prison fucked me up. If Bailey goes to prison, it'll fuck her up too. I'll figure us a way out of this, but as of now, I don't see any way out.

If I shoot her, Bailey dies. If I leave her, Bailey gets arrested for something she didn't do. Even if I do let her go to prison, she'll hate me forever like I hate Kaden.

"Yes or no, baby?"

I clenched my fists, resisting the urge to pull out my gun and fire a bullet in her goddamn head. "Yes."

"I knew you'd come to your senses," She traces her fingers along my jaw, and I stiffen. Her fingers tap my lips. I back away from her.

"Now delete that video," I demand.

She rolls her eyes and giggles. This bitch!

"You really don't understand do you? I'm not going to delete this video. You can't either because this is a camera. You can't hack into cameras. I have a CD of this video as well, so you delete it on here, I'll still have the other one. As long as you're with me, Bailey's safe from me and my little gang. You really thought that I would just silently walk away once you broke up with me?"

"I'm giving you until tomorrow afternoon to break up with that little toy of yours," She gestures to her camera once more. "Or else." She smiles sweetly at me, before strutting away leaving me torn.

Her hips sway flawlessly and powerfully as she gets into her gray car, and speeds away. I decided that I hated the color gray from now on. Suddenly, I felt completely drained. I didn't have any energy. No one had the audacity or the power to manipulate me like that.

Now there Ava was, walking away after successfully getting what she wanted from me. Me.

I thought about Bailey. She had gone through too much today. She saw her father die before her own eyes. I couldn't do this to her today. If I had the choice, I would have never done this to her. She was my forever.

I'll be back, I promise.

I'm a liar. I'm a fucking liar.

Because I'm not going home tonight. And without Bailey, I'm not going home ever again.

I take out my phone and call Blake. 


a/n: lemme explain why i did this. okay, actually i have no real explanation. 

i read reckless in love, and it broke my heart so i was like, lemme also break some hearts. and plus... dramaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. 

don't we just love it when the plot just comes together? at first i was like why did i include the little boy scene? but now it's helping me out with this scene :) shit's about to go down next chapter though 😇

anyway, i hope you liked this chapter, and if you didn't like it, i understand. but either way, click the vote button because it takes a lotta work to write no matter how  much i love it. and it tells me that you guys love me ♥️

soooo anywayyy, i love you!! ♥️

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