Chapter 58 || Board Games

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"Why is Adrian dressed like that?" She asks, still staring at him, wide-eyed. I look over at Adrian who looks like he'd rather jump out the window than be here. I grin at him.

"He's spreading the Christmas spirit."

Her nose scrunches up as she looks at him. "That's not very useful then." Adrian sigh, his shoulders slumping which makes him look more like the Grinch. I laugh, snapping a picture of him.

"How are you doing?" I ask Luna.

"I should have been home right now. Reading a book on parenting," She tells me. "Instead, I get to watch my son in an incubator and they won't let me hold him," Her nose flares, as tears threaten to pour out of her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Luna. But soon, you'll get to take him home and play with him. You just have to be patient," I try to assure her.

"I don't want to be patient. I want to hold him. I'm scared to close my eyes because I'm afraid he won't be there when I wake up. He doesn't feel real, and I want to hold him. I want to know if he's real or if he's just a hologram. I'm scared he's going to go away. I was going to lose him with an abortion, and then lose him again with Ava, I don't want him to leave me," She rants, her voice choking up. I felt my own eyes begin to tear up too.

I turn away for a second, blinking my tears back into my eyes when I see Dylan biting his knuckles, with his eyes closed.

I turn back around and face Luna. "He's not going anywhere. No one's going to take him away from you." For someone in Luna's state right now, I'm not sure my words would have been that helpful.

Just then, a nurse walks in. "Hi, I'm going to need to do some check-ups. Would you guys mind waiting outside for a second?" She asks. "Take the Grinch with you." Adrian mutters a few words not suitable for children under his breath before walking out of the hospital room along with me. Dylan stays behind, and the nurse closes the door after we leave.

"You look really cute in that."

"I look like the Grinch!"

"That's the point."

He crosses his arms over his chest angrily and I crack up. He's just acting more and more like the Grinch and it's making me crack up. I pinch his cheeks. The ones on his face. "You're shooo cutee!!!"

He groans but then manages to smile. "I'm glad you're happy." I feel a blush begin to creep up on my face. I just want to kiss him senseless! Gah! I feel so sexually frustrated!

"You're making it very hard for me to be mad at you," I confess which makes him smile wider.

"Do you forgive me then?"

"No, Adrian. You still need to make me feel someone I've never felt before and then fly me to a different country and take me grocery shopping there."

"You're serious about the 'different country' thing, right? Because I already booked us a private flight. It's on New Year's day." 

"I'm serious about it. But why so early? We need to be here for Luna and Dylan."

"It'll only be for a week and a half. Please?" I don't know if it was the fact that he was in the Grinch costume or if he just looked too cute, but I nod, agreeing with him. He smiles. "Can I get a hug?"

Holy fucking jello! Why is he so cute?! "Bring it in," I chuckle, opening my arms so he can hug me. I wrap my arms around his torso as his strong arms envelope me in a warm hug. I missed this so fucking much. I close my eyes and nuzzle my head into his chest.

Tattoos and Scars | Rewritten VersionWhere stories live. Discover now