Chapter 51 || Babying

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Three days. It's been three full days, and I still feel like shit. Probably because of all the running I did and now my legs can barely carry me around and my knuckles ache yet I've still been going to work and making it home only for my annoying neighbor to curse me off for no particular reason.

Other than that I'm okay. Kind of. I'm determined not to think about someone that doesn't love me or want me anymore, but every now and then I do feel slightly dejected. I'm most hurt about the fact that neither Anna, Blake or Kaden have been seeing me.

Kaden doesn't even drive me around anymore! Yet, I have to be reasonable because he is the heir of his father's mafia and probably has a lot of work to do and no matter how illegal, it's still work.

They still respond to my texts, but they're always busy to come and visit me. The only people that come and see me are Dylan and Luna.

Right now, Dylan is currently on my couch that I bought on sale at a random store I don't even remember the name of. It was cheap. I bought it. End of story.

"Do you have any good food in here?" Dylan asks after tossing an empty Doritos packet into the trash can.

"There's vanilla ice cream in the freezer."

"I'm not in the mood for something sweet right now. Besides, Luna ruined the image of ice cream for me after she got a weird craving of ice cream and ketchup. Disgusting," He shudders and I chuckle.

"Don't worry, it'll pass. You should be recording her though so when she's not pregnant, she can rewatch herself eating such random shit and feel bad about it," I suggest humorously.

"You're a smart cookie," He smiles at me mischievously. "Yesterday, I told her I would still love her if she looked like a monkey, and she started crying. Seeing her cry, I felt like crying too but I didn't cry because I was busy trying to get her to calm down."

"The baby better be cute for all you two are going through," I tell him, as I grab a cookie from my cookie jar. He called me a smart cookie and now I'm craving cookies.

"Please, with mine and Luna's good looks, the baby's going to like a model," He brags, flexing his muscles. I roll my eyes and shake my head. "How are you feeling about... you know who?"

"I'm trying not to feel, Dylan," I grumble. "Catch," I toss an apple at him. "It's healthy, eat it." He shrugs and bites into it.

"Shit!" He panics, running a hand through his hair.

"What's wrong?"

"I told Luna I was going to meet her down the street. She's been there for ten minutes now. I'm going to go, I'll be back with her!" He rambles, nearly sprinting out of the apartment.

"Dylan you left your shoe- And he's gone," I roll my eyes, taking the bucket of Vanilla ice cream from the fridge and taking a scoop of it into a bowl. Okay, maybe one more scoop wouldn't hurt.

No, one scoop is plenty. In fact, I probably shouldn't even be eating such unhealthy things. I'll die early and single. I mean, I'm most likely dying single because, ew, relationships, but like, not dying early please. I want to see myself in the mirror and tell myself: "Wow, Bailey. Remember when you used to have smooth skin? Now you look like a pale raisin! High five!"

I also want those senior discounts. Insert evil I-just-robbed-you smirk. I take my bowl of ice cream and head over to the bean bag I bought in Target.

Tattoos and Scars | Rewritten VersionWhere stories live. Discover now