Chapter 9 || Hug Me

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Do I look like I know what to do when someone's having a panic attack? Apparently I do because it's working. She's calming down, and her breathing is steadying. Why do I feel relieved?

Because if she didn't stop, then Anna would kill me. Yeah, that's it.

She leans against the back of the couch, running a trembling hand through her blonde hair. "I- I'm okay. I'm alive," She whispers to herself. I quickly get up from the ground, and get her a glass of water.

"Thanks," She says, gulping down the water in a matter of seconds. She hands it back to me. "More." I go fetch her another glass of water, confused as to why I'm even listening to her in the first place.

She gulps this down in a few seconds as well and places the glass down next to her on the floor. "What the hell happened to me?" She wonders out loud, her voice trembling. "Was that a panic attack? Because I don't get panic attacks. I don't even have a panic disorder or anxiety. Why the fuck would I get a panic attack?"

I'm no fucking doctor. Wait, should I call one? Probably. I mean, she could really have a mental health issue, and if it went without being acknowledged then that would take a toll on her health and personality, and that would be really bad.

"I'll be right back," I tell her, planning to go call a doctor, but she grabs onto my wrist. Why does her touch feel good?

"Don't go... what if... what if that happens again? I'm scared." Fuck. She's tugging at my wrist not my heart, but why do I feel a tug in my heart? I need to get my heart examined before I go into cardiac arrest and realize that I had some underlying heart problem.

"You're going to be fine."

"No." A weak smile plays on her lips. The same lips that I kissed... Stop.

"Stop saying that."


"Fine, I'll stay."

"Hm, that took less tries than before. Are you finally warming up to me, Adrian Black?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

"No," I reply, just to tease her.

"Don't use that shit on me."


"I will kick you in the shins."


She lightly kicks my shin and I roll my eyes. "You're supposed to say 'ouch' and groan in pain."


"You truly suck, Adrian Black." She goes silent for a second, and I get worried. Fucking worried. What is happening to me? "Can you hug me?"


"A hug. Don't tell me you don't know what a hug is," She gasps, her eyes widening. Of course I know what a hug is, but just to see how she explains a damn hug, I shake my head, no.

She gets on her feet and opens her arms. "You do the same." And I fucking do the same shit. I'm really not okay. "Okay, come closer." I walk closer and she wraps her arms around me. "Now you do the same."

I wrap my arms around her, and she practically melts into my hug. I didn't know I was a good hugger. The only person I really hugged is Ava, and she was stiff when it came to all that shit. The only place she was good was in bed.

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