Chapter 11 || Nicknames

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TRIGGER WARNING: racism (around the end, but there isn't any racist slang being used or anything, but either way, racism isn't okay! it still hurts, and if you don't wanna read it, then please skip 🙃) 


I'm shopping with fucking children," Adrian groans. "Dylan they're literally the same fucking thing!"

"No, this one is a lighter shade," Dylan argues and I nod along with him. "Look, the light hits this one different. The darker one brings out a more 'don't touch me' vibe while the lighter one brings out a 'I'm a fuckboy' vibes."

"Either way you're a dumbass."

"Bailey, Adrian's being mean!" Dylan whines, and I give him a hug while Dylan's pouting.

"Adrian, shame on you," I gasp, patting Dylan's back as his head is resting on my shoulder. "It's okay sweetie," I hush him like a mom. Or at least I think it's like a mom, but I wouldn't know.

Adrian's face looks like he's about to pitch a fit with the scowl he's wearing. "Aw, does this big bad baby want a hug too?" I speak in a baby voice, while Adrian blows away a strand of hair hanging over his forehead. I open my arms, and a few seconds later, Adrian gives me a hug.

Have I mentioned that his back muscles feel just as amazing as his arm muscles? No? Well, now you know. I could feel them all day. That sounded really wrong, and I need to bring my mind out of the gutters soon before God personally comes down here and drop kicks me to hell.

"Did that satisfy you?" I ask, my face buried in his chest.

"No, it didn't," He murmurs. I'm horny right now, so whatever other thought that comes to me at the moment, I'm going to ignore.

"What do you want?"

"If I told you what I want, you would take the gun out of my socks and shoot me with it."

"I highly doubt that. Tell me." I most probably don't want to hear what he wants, because I'm quite sure it would be something that would have to do with 'the deed'. Men are just like that.

"Kiss me."

"W-what?" Two words. Say less.

"I was just joking. I wanted to see your reaction," He smirks, and push him away.

"You complete ass! You flapdoodle! I hope you fucking die in the ditch you crawled out from like the crusty ass gopher you are! That was no matter to joke about, I thought you were being serious you fucking clown! I'm never going to hug you ever again! You just lost your Bailey Hug privileges, young sir."

"I thought you didn't want to kiss me." He cocks his head and I find that extremely hot. Goddamn!

"I don't."

"Then that solves the problem, doesn't it? You should be glad that I was joking."

Ugh! I hate it when people have a point. I'm the one who's supposed to be right here! Not him! Darn it!

"The third wheel needs your attention right now," Dylan starts, and we both glare at him. "Or not, the third wheel will just walk away."

"Get back over here, you non-third wheel!" I order as I elbow Adrian in the ribs just for joking around with me. And just to tell Adrian how wrong he was for that, I hug Dylan. "You deserve all the hugs, you non-third wheel. Adrian won't be getting any for the rest of his life."

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