Her and I- Nine

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Four days had passed and my ankle was feeling so much better, I had a little limp but the pain was mostly gone.

I opened my eyes and felt the blazing suns hit me. I was sweating buckets. I couldn't go any more days without water, it felt like my throat was closing up.

I got up slowly wiping the sweat off of my forehead. "Where's Fatin" Dot asked the group. I looked around in confusion.

"Who cares she doesn't do shit around here anyways" Leah responded.

I was very confused with the little feud they had going on, I could feel the tension from a mile away.

"Something serious could have happened to her" Shelby chimed in.

"Or she's just seeking attention," said Leah. Toni came running towards us. I noticed that she ran kind of weirdly for a basketball captain.

"This is Fatin's" Toni panted holding up what looked like a piece of Fatin's pants covered in blood.  Leah looked down with a nervous expression on her face.

"Well we have to look for her" Martha said in a worried tone. "Even if Fatin is just playing around I think we should still look, just to be safe" Dot added.

We all got up and headed into the jungle. "Fatin" Leah yelled. "Fatin" we yelled in unison.

I was at the back of the group barely keeping up. Shelby saw me struggling and waiting for me to catch up as the others kept walking.

Toni glanced back at Shelby and me. I gave her a sarcastic smile. Toni rolled her eyes then looked away.

I don't know what her problem was.

"You didn't tell anyone right," Shelby asked in a hushed tone. I stopped walking and looked at her. "I would never do that," I said seriously.

"Listen that can never happen again" Shelby whispered.  After Shelby kissed me we just acted like it never happened, that was good enough for me.

I was confused why she decided to bring it up now considering the rest of the girls were so close.

"Okay" I nodded to her in a calm voice.  I did care about Shelby I just wasn't sure if it was in that way yet.

I don't want to force something that wasn't there and I don't think I could handle her religious baggage anyways.

I do feel good about getting under Toni's skin though.

"Okay?" Shelby questioned, "That's it you don't care" Shelby added. "I do" I lied.

"I'm just gonna give you space so you can figure yourself out," I said stepping away from her. "There is nothing to figure out," Shelby said defensively.

"Whatever you say," I said walking away from her. I don't know what Shelby wants from me.

"Fatin" Leah yelled. Leah looked the most worried about Fatin, it was shocking considering. Leah looked like she was going insane.

I heard something moving nearby. "Guys did you hear that," I asked the group. "Ya," Nora confirmed. 

We all moved closer together in fear. A chipmunk jumped out of the bush in front of us. We all screamed and Toni clung to me.

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