Jennet- Three

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I woke up on a floating door. I lift my head to see I was in the middle of the ocean. "Help" I screamed. My phone was in my pocket soaking wet. "Anyone please help me" I screamed my lungs out.

A hot breeze slapped me in the face blowing my hair back. I had no idea what to do so I did what I do best, I froze.

My hands started to get really cold and it felt like it was impossible to move one of my fingers.

The door started to float around facing the other direction. I saw an island. I felt relieved. My breathing started to get back to normal. It felt like there was a huge weight being lifted off of my chest.

I saw the book girl pulling the girl who loves pink to the beach.

I started to look around to see if I could find my bag.
I couldn't find anything.

I looked back at the island to see Shelby carrying Martha over to the rest of the girls. I think everyone made it back to the island except for me.

Suddenly I felt sick all over my body and I threw up into the ocean. I felt like I was dying. My eyes were burning from the saltwater and my head was spinning in circles.

I have to make it to the beach. I wasn't the best swimmer but I was only floating farther and farther away from the beach.

I got off the door and started to swim. I kept swallowing water every time I went up for a breath.

I was getting too tired to continue. It felt like there were weights and chains around my ankle.

"Help" I screamed as I tried to stay afloat. I tried to swim a little closer to the beach but it was like something was pulling me back.

Suddenly I felt a hand pulling me to shore but after that everything went blank.

I woke up to 9 girls circled me. I sat up
slowly but as soon as got up I threw up.

"Are you okay Melody?" Shelby asked sincerely.

"what does it look like" I replied coldly. I looked up at Shelby's face and saw how rude that came across.

"Look I'm sorry Shelby I'm just you know right now" I tried to explain.

"It's all good" Shelby smiled while helping me up.

The girl who loved pink started limping away. She probably just needed some space I mean we all do.

"It's alright guys if God brought us to it he'll get us through it" Shelby tried to cheer us up but it didn't help anybody.

"Guys" I heard the girl with the book yell I think I heard someone call her Leah.

"Guys" Leah yelled louder. We all started heading towards her and saw the girl who liked pink on the ground.

"I think she's dead" Leah panicked. "Are you sure" Shelby questioned.

"Fuck" I heard a girl yell.

I looked at her lifeless body and felt terrible. I felt so bad for calling her annoying even though she kind of was. My face was emotionless.

I turned around and walked the other way. "Where are you going," Martha asked.

"I don't know" I replied.

I kept walking for what it felt like forever. I needed time to just pause and take in everything that just happened.

Damn the one time my dad does something nice I end up stranded on an island. I laughed with myself in an attempt to cope with what just happened.

What the fuck is going on. Someone just fucking died. I mean at least I don't have to hear about pink every five seconds.

It started to get dark so I head back to the group. When I got back I noticed Shelby had blood on her face.

"We can't just have people disappearing like that," a girl with short brown hair said. I looked at her with a confused look. "Dot" the girl introduced herself.

"Melody" I replied.

I sat beside Shelby "what happened to your face" I asked. "I bumped into a tree, how clumsy of me" Shelby smiled.

Toni's face looked suspicious after Shelby's response. Suspicious of what? I don't know.

"We should at least have a little funeral for Jennet," Leah said.

"Why" A girl questioned.

"To keep the animals away, Rachel" Dot spoke up. "I mean I was thinking because it is a decent thing to do but that too I guess," Leah said softly.

We had a funeral for her and Shelby said a few words. Eventually, one by one everyone left to go back to camp.

It was just Toni and me who were left sitting around deceased Jennet.

"If you ever tell anyone this I'll deny it but I was worried about you," Toni said while looking into the fire.

"Whatever" I replied. Toni just can't stop playing her mind games and I'm just so done with it.

"I'm sorry" Toni whispered. My eyes widened in surprise. I looked at her and nodded. "For everything" She continued.

"Can't we just go back to before?" Toni asked. "You know why we can't do that" I replied.

"What happened to Regan," I asked.

"I fuck that up too" Toni replied. I wasn't shocked at all, who would be.

"What did you do this time" I questioned. It was nice to have a somewhat raw conversation with her.

"I hit her by accident and smashed her window," She said while looking down. Was I shocked again? Fuck no.

I laughed. "Mel it's not funny, I actually did love her," Toni said in frustration.

"You loved her enough to break her car window, makes so much sense Toni," I said sarcastically.

"I'm gonna head back Toni," I said while getting up.

She didn't even acknowledge me. I don't know what just happened to be honest. Are we friends? No. But I don't think I could hate her no matter how hard I try.

I walked back to the group. Everyone looks so lifeless.

Toni eventually came back. She looked upset. She took a seat next to Martha and wrapped her arms around her.

Fatin was passed out on a rock and Rachel was doing push-ups.

I zipped up my sweater due to the cold breeze making me start to shiver.

I laid my head down on a random rock and closed my eyes. Why me?

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