Fucking island- Six

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I looked over at Toni. I loved her before it all. Moments like this with her always made me overlook all the bad that comes with her too.

At this moment she was so pure and precious but I know this doesn't last forever.

I looked back up at the stars taking everything in. A cold blew which cause Toni to move in closer to me.

We were silent but it wasn't awkward, more comforting.

I felt her hand come on top of mine.

No, I'm not doing this again with her, I can't handle the sometimes sweet and then the next minute she's blowing up.

I moved my hand away and sat up.

"I don't wanna give you the impression," I said slowly. "I can't do this again with you Toni, it's not good for me" I added.

"I know," Toni said calmly "there's just a part of me that uh I don't know" Toni added. "That what" I questioned looking back at her. "Never mind," Toni said coldly.

Toni quickly turned away from me. I laid down and looked up into the sky again. That was the right thing to do, right?

I mean it was the best thing to do too. I just want to get off this fucking island.

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep but my ankle was hurting me way too much. I sat up again and groaned.

I looked over at Toni and she was dead asleep. I rubbed my eyes in frustration and let out a deep breath.

I felt a drop hit my forehead. I wiped my forehead and looked up, rain.

well isn't that the best thing to happen to us today? I shook Toni awake. "We have to find shelter it's about to rain," I said in a monotone voice.

"Leave me the fuck alone" Toni groaned. "Toni if we don't get out of the rain we get sick, if we get sick there's no medicine, no medicine we possibly die" I warned her.

"Fuck I forgot how extra you are" Toni whispered. "Can we focus please" I snapped? I pulled my sweater off of Toni to wake her up more.

"Come on Toni we have to go" I warned her again. I put on my sweater and tried to get up. "Fuck" I groaned.

Pain shot through my left leg. "Shit are you good" Toni questioned. "let's just go, I'm fine," I said coldly.

This could be the worst pain I've ever experienced. I just gotta keep going.

"Let me help you Mel" Toni afford me her hand. "I'm fine I got it" I replied. "Fine then," Toni said while walking away from me.

"Where are you going" I called after her. Toni knew I couldn't move much without her, and she's just going to leave me out here? What a dick.

"To find shelter dumbass" Toni yelled back. Toni faded into the darkness of the night.

It started to go from a little drizzle to heavy rain. I pulled my sweater over my head trying to shelter myself.

I don't think Toni was coming back. Injuries always feel worse the next morning. Tomorrow I'll probably not even be able to walk at all.

Fuck her.

I waited for the rain to stop and it felt like it never would.

I have to get back on my own. Toni doing what she does best runs away when things get too much for her.

I found a thick branch on the ground. Okay, this could be a decent gain. I got up using the branch.

I limbed my ass all the way back to the beach in the hard cold rain. It felt like it took me over two hours. The time I got back to the beach the sun was starting to rise.

I saw Toni asleep under some shelter Dot probably built. If I could run right now I would stomp on her throat.

I limped over to where the group was sleeping and collapsed.

God forbid that I'm stuck on this disgusting island with only diet coke's and nuts my whole life. Who am I kidding we're probably gonna die of thirst over the next two weeks.

I laughed at that thought, death. So close yet so far, I wish it would come closer right now and end my misery.

It's not like being stuck on this island is worse than being at home though, that's the funny part.

I heard footsteps approaching me. "Is that a phone" Rachel questioned me. I looked back and saw my phone laying on the sand.

"Ya, I just thought it was no use cuz it was soaked" I replied thinking nothing of it.

"You've had a phone on you the whole time" Rachel yelled. Rachel's yelling started to wake up the others.

"We've wasted so much time on finding water and signals when you've had a phone on you the whole time" Rachel added.

"It probably doesn't even work anymore calm the fuck down" I replied.  "We could have put it in the sand to dry it up," Rachel said aggressively.

"Fuck off Rachel it was an honest mistake" I yelled. "Guys I don't think fighting will make any difference" Nora added.

"Ya, it is what it is," Shelby said. "It's fine we'll put it in the sand now and check if it works later" Dot added.

"Do none of you care about how much time we've lost" Rachel yelled at us. " I have a real-life to get back to" she added.

"Melody probably kept the phone on purpose for attention" Toni stepped in. "How the fuck does keeping a phone in my pocket get me attention Toni" I yelled

Toni shrugged her shoulders. "How about we all relax," Fatin said trying to calm everyone down "you guys are seriously killing my vibe" Fatin added.

"I thought the only vibe you had was fucking guys," Leah said to Fatin. Fatin gave Leah and sarcastic smile. "Don't blame me you can't get laid" Fatin added.

"Oh, I forgot you only like getting laid by 30-year-old men who have a fetish for teenage pussy" Fatin continued.

My mouth dropped open.

"Does no one see her ankle?" Martha asked everyone. I took of Toni's sweater from around my ankle to see my ankle in the shape of a baseball.

"That doesn't look too good Melody" Shelby chimed in. "Can someone pass me a drink for Melody?" Shelby asked the group.

"Guys look what I found" Nora yelled running towards us with a black bag.

Nora dropped the bag on the ground and unzipped it. Inside was Clothes, medicine, candy, and alcohol. How convenient.

Funny how this has turned up right when I came back to the group.

Leah looked like she was calculating something in her head, so I wasn't the only one who thought this was weird.

Weird or not, it's better than nothing.

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