Is This Jealousy..?

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MAYRA' (Crystal) pov.


I tried so hard to open my eyes but it was to no avail. Everything was repeating itself over and over in front of me, everything seemed so real. I tried again and again to stop them, to wake up and finally after what seemed like hours I was able to open my eyes. I tried to control my breathing which was uneven because of the nightmare.

"1.." I tried to muffle the sound by putting my hands on both my ears.

"2........."long breath, "3...... 4........ 5...... 6......"I continue to count until I feel calm.

After like 20 or 30 mins later I was back to normal. I checked the time, it's 5:30 a.m. There is no way I'm getting back to sleep so I decide to do other things.

When I returned from a long bath, I saw Rose smashing my wardrobe aggressively. "Rose? What are you doing in my closet?" She ignored my call and continued trashing my room, looking for don't know what.

"Shhh... just wait and watch." I frown,

I waited... and waited... Until she jumped in excitement, maybe finally found the thing she was looking for.

"YESSSSS" She shouts and I shrink with the noise.

"Jesus, girl stop shouting, for god sakes and tell me what is going on?"

"You need to clean your room May. It took me half an hour to find THIS!" She said, handing me the dress. I wore decade ago.
"What am I supposed to do with this, ma'am?"

"What do you mean by, WHAT? You're going to wear this for work today." Wait..! What?

"WHAT!? I am not doing this!" No way, I'm not wearing this for office.

The dress is beautiful, no doubt, but I just can't! I just hate dressing up for nothing.

"Babeee, don't you remember, what your greek-god-looking-boss boss claimed about you?" ohh good... "I remember each and every word he said, but I don't have to do this to prove him wrong."

"Well, sweetie, he explicitly stated that you don't know how to dress, you don't know how to impress. We gotta do something about this and change these false assumptions about you. I'm not taking NO for an answer, you're wearing this and show him what you can actually do. Here is the dress, I'll be back with heels." She said winking at me. Before I could argue further she vanished away.

"Remind me, Why am I still friends with you?" I shouted from my room.

She comes back with heels in her hands. "Because you know, you'll never find someone like me again." She with a wink and a flying kiss on which I roll my eyes.

Rose don't take No for an answer, so she did what she wanted. She gave me a light touch of make-up, straightened my hair and I must say I was looking good. For a moment I didn't recognise myself, she did a damn great job with that.

At the same time it felt weird, getting make-up for an office? I enjoy working in the office and I like to do that within my comfort zone which I'm totally lacking today.

"Now, you look perfect. Even vogue models are nothing in front of you." I roll my eyes again. I need to take her for a checkup. She might have lost her mind.

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