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Greetings to all...
Just for fun, I prepared some questions.
It's good to know each other no?..

I'm from India, Delhi.  😉

Where are you from?


Mayra (Crystal) pov.

Time swaps by quickly.

I finished my two weeks at King's Empire today. Working with Mr King was tough, but not impossible.

He did give me a lot of work, but somehow I managed to cope with it.

The first thing I've discovered about him in the previous two weeks is that he's a bit bipolar.

Whenever we were alone, he was kind to me and by saying kind means, he did not yell or make any harsh remarks, but when we were out for meetings or anything, he transformed into a cold and cruel man.

Well, somehow I have managed to survive for 2 weeks and hope to continue.

Right now I'm in my office, going through his schedule for the day. He has four meetings and the first of which is with Robert Inc. in half an hour, so I have to inform Mr King about it.

I was standing in front of his office door, about to knock, when the door opened and an extremely gorgeous guy came out.

By his looks I can say he's young, not more than 20, but no doubt he does have some gorgeous features to make girls fall for him. But at the same time he appears to be a little familiar. I wonder whether I've seen him somewhere, but nothing comes to my mind.

"Hey, pretty," he said, adding a wink which I thought was adorable.. Before I could reply Mr King's voice boomed from inside the office.

"Daniel, get out of my office!" Mr King shouted. The guy Daniel ignored him and turned to look at me.

"I'm sorry, Ms. I didn't get your name?" Daniel asked me.

"Crystal White" I introduced myself.

"Can I call you Criss, if you don't mind? Crystal is quite mouth full."

"Of course, even my best friend calls me Criss too," I replied.

"Great, So Criss, I must say you're beautiful." I was wearing just simple blue jeans and a black shirt with white sneakers. Something comfortable which I like.

"Thank you" my cheeks flushed.

"Didn't I tell you to leave Daniel? And Ms White, you're here to work not to flirt with my brother."

Brother. Ahh, Now I understand how he looked so familiar he did have some of the same features as Mr King.

"Come on, Asher, don't get your knickers on fire."

I didn't pay much attention to Daniel because my mind was on what Mr Stone had just said. Did he really think I came here to flirt with people?

"I was not flirting with anyone Mr King, I was being kind enough to introduce myself." I snapped at him.

"Watch your tune Ms White, your kindness is not going to pay you but your work will. So I suggest you work Ms White" like seriously? Now it's going too far like too, too, too, far.

"Mr King, I am not flirting with anyone but if introducing ourselves appears to be flirting to you, that's your problem. Concerning work, I do not compromise my work with anything and I came here to inform you about the meeting which will start in 30 minutes from which you have just wasted 10 min, leaving 20 minutes. So, you better hurry because I'm sure, you will probably blame me for this too."

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