Chapter 3: Visitors

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   "Hey, Nico! How are you feeling?"

   It was evening time now, and Nico had just finished his dinner when Jason Grace closed the curtains behind him as he walked into Nico's little space in the infirmary. He sat down at the end of Nico's bed and gave him a warm smile, yet his eyes were puffy and sad.

   "Eh, fine. Will is an exceptional healer, and I barely even feel any pain anymore. I'm still pretty tired, though." Nico looked at Jason. "How are you doing?"

   Jason gave him another smile. "The best I can under the circumstances, I guess. Nico, you've dealt with death. Does....does it get better? How do you deal with it?"

   Nico put his palms up. "I'm flattered and all, but why are you asking me, out of everybody? I don't exactly deal with grief well. I'm sure Percy has told you all about me, so you probably know that I didn't used to this. All I can say is, people deal with grief in many ways. Just don't deal with it the same way I did. And no.... It doesn't get better."

   Jason readjusted his glasses. He seemed to still be getting used to wearing them. "Hey man, I think you're fine just the way you are. I just wish you would let me in more. I really want to be your friend."

   "I still don't fully understand why you want to be friends with me, but at least you aren't a complete idiot like Percy."

   Jason laughed softly. "Thanks? Hey! That reminds me! I heard you told him!"

   Nico sighed. "Yes, I did. Annabeth, too. It's not that big of a deal."

   Jason raised a blonde eyebrow. "We both know it is a big deal, Nico. That would've taken some guts. Not only are you not really the type of person to share your feelings, but we also both know that you're not exactly comfortable with your sexuality. It's hard enough telling a girl you like them! I'm proud of you, man."


   It may have been the light reflecting off of his glasses, but it almost looked like Jason's blue eyes were twinkling slightly. "Now it's time you focus on getting with somebody else."

   "What are you talking about?"

   Jason smiled and gave him a quick hug. "Feel better soon, Nico. Then we can go against each other in capture the flag! See you soon!"

   Nico managed a small smile. "See you around, Jason."


   Nico woke up the next morning from another nightmare, going into the last day in the infirmary. By this time tomorrow, Nico should be out of here and finally free.

   "You okay, death boy?" Will asked, after sitting by his bedside for another night.

   "Yeah, yeah. Just another dream. You sleep better this time?"

   "Well, since you didn't wake up this time, I got to sleep through the night!" The son of Apollo said enthusiastically.

   "Geez, how can you be so happy this early?" Nico asked him. He also wondered why Will was giving him so much attention. He understood sleeping close by to make sure Nico didn't fade and woke up in a decent amount of time, but he went out of his way to chat and play games with him. Why did he care?

   "I don't know, I guess I've just always been a morning person."

   "Well, of course you are. You're a child of Apollo." Nico pointed out.

   The blond haired boy just shrugged. "Here's your breakfast!"

   His bright smile made the son of Hades blush slightly.

   After finishing his breakfast, he got a visit from Percy and Annabeth. He was surprised, he didn't expect to get so many visitors. The only people he thought would visit would be Hazel and maybe Reyna, but they were back at Camp Jupiter.

   "Good morning, Nico! I hope you're feeling better now." Percy said, with Annabeth walking right behind him.

   "Hi, Percy. Hi, Annabeth," Nico waved as Annabeth sat in the chair and Percy at the end of his bed. "I'm doing fine, just tired."

   They talked for a while. About Leo, about Gaea, and other things. came up.

   "So, who is your type?" Percy asked him, with those sea green eyes he used to think were so distracting.

   "Percy!" Annabeth scolded, smacking Percy upside the head.

   The older son of the big three rubbed his head. "What? I had to ask."

   Nico rolled his eyes.

   "Is it Jason? I bet it's Jason."

   "No, Percy. Jason is not my type. He's your type."

   "True." Percy replied. Annabeth slapped him.

   "Just leave him alone, seaweed brain." Annabeth told him.

   "Stop hitting me! Jeez!"

   "Then mind your own business." Annabeth turned to Nico. "Sorry about him. I think it's time for me to escort him out of here."

   "See you guys later." Nico called after them.

   The next few hours went by fast. Will kept checking on him often. By the evening, there were a lot less patients left in the infirmary. When he first came, there were probably a couple dozen people. Now there were 7 left, and 4 were in critical condition. He could tell with his powers that at least 1 of them would die in here. When he asked Will, he told him that they lost 5 campers so far that were in the infirmary after the battle with Gaea.

   Nico had started to go stir crazy. Sitting in a bed all day was fine when he was sleeping through most of it. But now he didn't need to take anymore naps, he felt completely back to normal. Well, as normal as he can be....

   "Can I leave now?" Nico complained. It was now evening, and the son of Hades was done with the infirmary.

   "I told you at least three days, death boy. And since you've been a good patient and seem to be doing a lot better, I'll let you out tomorrow morning, after you get a goodnight's sleep."

   Nico sighed. "Can you please stop treating me like a child? I can literally raise skeletons! I'm not some vulnerable baby that needs taking care of!"

   "You don't think I know that? But you came in here half dead, Nico! I could feel the shadows taking control of you when I touched you! Most people come in here if they get a broken bone, or a hellhound scratch, but without my medical attention you would've died! Do you understand that?" For a second time, Will seemed overly upset, and again Nico wondered why he cared so much. Nico secretly liked the attention, but he scolded himself for thinking like that.

   "Okay, but why do you care if I live? Why are you so persistent in making me feel better?"

   "Are you really that dumb, Nico?"

   Nico scoffed. "What do you mean?"

   Will sighed and ran his hand through his golden hair. "Nothing. I've lost some patients. I don't want to lose anymore....especially you."

   Nico felt his cheeks heat up. What was that supposed to mean?

   "Whatever, Solace." And with that, Nico turned in his bed, facing away from the annoyingly stubborn son of Apollo. As Will walked away, helping other patients, Nico couldn't help but stare at that golden mop of hair on his head, those brilliant blue eyes that he could get lost in, those freckles across his nose and cheeks, his surfer tan....

   He shook his head, mentally chiding himself. What was he thinking? He was just tired and going crazy being stuck in the infirmary for so long. He got up to shut the curtains so he no longer had to stare at him. 

Out of the Shadows: A Solangelo FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now