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Clay POV

George and I kissed for minutes this time, I softly stroke his chest and he was fine with it. He even cupped my face and rubbed my back. I loved it when he was affectionately with me. I loved it when he kissed me without saying anything about it or when he touched me without warning. I loved it.

We stopped kissing to catch some breath but George immediately kissed me again. I kept stroking his chest softly. I knew I was blushing like crazy and I felt his cheeks were hot too. After the second time we kissed we broke apart and looked at each other.

'Okay, so what I was saying,' I started giggling. George started laughing and hugged me.

'Thank you so much.'

'Of course.'

One week later...

I was walking with George to the ice rink for his first lesson. He was very excited but also very scared. I was holding his hand and I had secretly brought his sheep in my bag. If he would have a mental breakdown I would give it to him. George was jumping up and down next to me when we arrived and I couldn't stop smiling. He was so cute. We both walked hand in hand inside. The trainer directly walked towards us.

'Hey George, nice to meet you.'

George nodded shortly and stared at the ground. The trainer knew of his autism so he didn't mind.

'Do you like skating George?'

He nodded again and squeezed my hand.

'He skated when he was younger, didn't you,' I smiled.

He nodded.

'How old were you?'

'Around ten.'

'Would you like to meet the others?'

George shook his head and fell in my arms. 'I'm so scared.'

'Do you want me to come with you?'

He nodded heavily.

'The boys changing room is there,' the trainer said, he pointed to a door.

George and I walked there and I opened the door for him.

'Hey!' someone said to George and me.

'Hey,' I answered. 'Say hey, sweetie,' I whispered in George's ear.


'This is George, he is new here.'

'I don't want to be rude, but can he hear us?'

'He can. He has autism and he finds this really scary. Ice skating is his dream, but he stopped because of his autism.'

'Are you also training with us? Or are you his brother or something?'

'I'm his uh- boyfriend.'

'Oh sick!'

I smiled and felt George smiling too. He hugged me and I rested my chin on his head so I could still the others.

'He has a stuffed animal which makes him calm and I brought it for him.'

'Aww, George. That's so sweet.'

'Do you want sheep?' I whispered.

He nodded.

I opened the bag and gave him his sheep. He immediately hugged it and smiled.

'Hey George, you can always keep your stuffed animal if you want, we don't mind.'

'Do you hear that? They also don't find you childish.'

George smiled shyly and hugged me again. I kissed his cheek shortly and looked at the others.

'I will be here with him every time because communication is very difficult for him. Are you guys okay with me kissing his cheek?'

'Yeah, we aren't homophobes.'

'My sister is lesbian!'

'Oh and my cousin is pansexual.'

'What is your sexuality?'

'George is gay and I'm bisexual.'

'I love him,' George muttered.

'Aww, that's so cute,' a boy said.

'I love you too, Georgie. Come, put your skates on.'

George nodded and he sat down. He put his skates on and gave me his sheep. 'Do you want to take care of him?' he whispered.

'Of course. He will look at you, okay?'

George nodded and he walked with the others to the ice. I watched him, I was just so in love. He looked very scared, but he was so happy. The training started and when people had to skate in duos, he skated over to me.

'Help,' he whispered. He grabbed my hand.

'Does someone wants to be with George?' I asked.

One of the boys skated over and stood next to George. 'We can go together.'

George smiled and hugged me. 'Am I doing good?'

'I can't even tell you how proud I am.'

He kissed my cheek and skated away. I had tears in my eyes. I was so proud of him. I couldn't even tell how proud I was.

739 words


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