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Clay POV

It was a few weeks later and it was George's birthday. I slept the night with him and he was still asleep. I slowly stood up to make him breakfast and prepare his gifts. He already knew what we were doing today, so it wasn't a real surprise, but it was fine. We would go to the cinema and after that go ice skating together.

I bought him a new stuffed animal, it was a bear with 'I love you' on a heart he was holding and I was going to bake him a chocolate cake. He loved chocolate and he loved cake, so it was a good combo. I prepared him some bacon with eggs and wrote a lettre.

Happy eighteenth birthday Georgie,
I love you more than anything in this world and I hope you like all my presents. I never want to lose you, you're the light in my life. You're beautiful, please remember that forever. I love you,

I walked upstairs and put the plate and the lettre down next to his bed. I went downstairs again shortly after. I wrapped the bear in some paper and sat down. I wanted George to be fit today, so I let him sleep. I was already preparing his cake and I tried to keep it as clean as possible for George.

It took ten minutes before his parents came downstairs. They were carrying his presents. Last time I bought George a little older skates, because I wasn't sure which ones were good, so his parents bought him new and better ones. They had his name on them and they were his favourite colour blue.

'Good morning, Clay.'

'Good morning!' I happily said.

'Do you need any help with the baking?' his dad asked.

He fully accepted me now. He saw George really loved me and I always tried and being as polite as possible. His dad grabbed my shoulder and looked at me.

'I think I'm fine. I only don't know where I left the butter.'

George's dad looked in fridge. 'Oh, it's here.'

'Thank you.'

'You're so sweet for George.'

'I love him a lot. I'm sorry-.'

'It's fine, Clay. I like you a lot, I understand why George fell in love with you. I'm fine with it now. I feel guilty for screaming at George and saying it's wrong. I was raised in a family where it was wrong to be gay, I guess I just kept thinking about it. I didn't expect it, I didn't expect George to be gay. I didn't even think he was already interested in people, he never looked at girls, well- apparently he looked at boys. I just didn't expect it, he is just so innocent and I didn't expect him to be in love already.'

'I understand, I thought I had no chance either.'

'He liked you from day one.'

'Oh, I did too. I fell completely in love in just days.'

'Did you know you were bisexual before?'

'Yes and no. I didn't really want to believe it, but I had been looking at some boys after my ex cheated on me. I figured I found them attractive, but I just didn't really think about being bisexual.'

'Was it a shock for you?'

'A little. My dad is really accepting and so is my best friend, so they helped me get through it. I just randomly fell in love with George. He is just so sweet.'

'He is really sweet. I should have never screamed at him, I could have known he liked boys, but I just didn't think about it. We were too busy with his autism.'

'I understand, he just needs a little more care.'

'Since he has you, he is so much happier. He doesn't show much of his OCD, but it has gotten so much less trouble with it. He had no control in his life, but since he has you. He is just so happy.'

I blushed and suddenly heard a soft yell my name.

'George,' I smiled. 'I'm going.'

I ran upstairs and George was standing in his room. He had already eaten his breakfast and looked at me. I kissed his cheek and smiled. 'Happy birthday, sweetie.'

He smiled very cute and looked at me. He was nervous. He stood on the tip of his toes and pressed a kiss on my lips. He smiled and grabbed his shoulders to pull him closer. We started kissing and I felt George smiling through the kiss too. I hugged him tight. I loved him so much.

766 words

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