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There aren't really TW's, I think. So-

George POV

Have you ever known people with autism like safe spaces? So did I. I liked my chair at home, it was cosy and it sat nicely. I liked sitting there to look outside at all cars coming by. All cars but the red ones. The red ones were wrong. When a red car passed, I had tap something fifty times. Red cars were bad, they were wrong. I had another safe place, the bakery. I would go there every morning just to sit and smell the amazing scent. Nobody really talked to me when I was sitting there, but I liked that.

I loved being alone, although I wished to have at least one friend. I accepted I didn't. I could not make friends, I didn't know how and I didn't dare to. How do you randomly step up to someone and how do you talk to them? Everyone thought I was deaf or I couldn't speak, but I could. I just choose to ignore people and I didn't know what to say.

I woke up early everyday so I could sit in the bakery before school started. My teachers and my parents agreed to let me have a free period every first hour of the day. School was too much stress for me and sitting in bakery calmed me down. I didn't have to follow the first class to calm down and I started around 9:15 am.

It was 7 am and I woke up. I didn't eat at home, that would be weird. I ate at bakery of course. I always ate the same, that made me feel safe. I always had a croissant with chocolate, I liked that. I stepped out of my bed with my right foot first. Always right first and then left, otherwise I would have to do it again. I walked downstairs, every step with my right foot first, not touching a single crack.

My mum was already downstairs, she woke up early everyday for me and she enjoyed it. She liked having longer of a day. I saw her drinking tea and I sat down.

'Are you going to the bakery again?'

I nodded. I didn't talk very much, to nobody. Even not my parents. I only talked about things I really liked. I liked watching iceskating and I could talk hours about it. I once did iceskating when I was young, but I stopped when I got older. Socially I wasn't able to really communicate even though I loved iceskating. I once hoped doing it again sometimes. I kept my skates, I hoped to still fit them.

'Sweetie, you have to get to school in time,' my mum said.

I nodded.

'You were too late last week.'


'Its fine, honey. The bakery just opened, you should go.'

I nodded and grabbed my bag. I grabbed my bike to cycle there and when I arrived I opened the door. A lady greeted me, she was in the store everyday. I never talked with her, but she appreciated me being here, so she said once. I sat down on the same chair as I always sat and looked at the lady but she walked away before I could order. Another boy came walking towards me and smiled.

'Can I get you something?'

Clay said his nameplate. He was new, I never saw him before.

'Chocolate croissant,' I mumbled without looking at him. I always avoided eye contact.

'Chocolate croissant,' he slowly repeated, writing it down. 'Anything else?'

I shook my head and directly gave him a pound for the croissant.

'They are still baking them, can you wait for a little?'

I nodded. I was always here for hours, I had time. I sat down watching some videos of ice skating on my phone. It calmed me down, definitely now there was a new random guy here. He seemed nice, but I disliked new people. I would have to get used to him before I could like him. I liked the girl, she was nice. Her name was Abby. There was also another boy, his name was Oliver. He sometimes greeted me and he knew my order. He was nice too.

I calmed down by the scent of the new baked breads and I saw Clay coming closer. He gave me my croissant.

'You're welcome.'

I nodded and started eating my croissant, still watching some videos of iceskating.

'Do you like sitting here? When I sometimes walked passed, I saw you sitting here.'

I nodded heavily.

'Do you like iceskating?'

He pointed at my phone.


As soon as someone talked about iceskating I couldn't shut up.

'I like the way they move over the ice. It's so elegant and difficult. I ice skated when I was younger, it is so much harder than it seems.'

'Really? I think I can't really skate.'

'It's easy to learn the basics, just like standing up. I could jump.'

'That's impressive.'


I blushed slightly. He was nice to me.

836 words

This ending sucks, but I split a chapter so I couldn't find a better ending lmao

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