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George POV

I woke up hours later in Clays arms and I felt my face heating up a little. He was just laying there, I felt a little ashamed.


'Oh, you're awake. Why are you sorry?'

'For sleeping.'

'It's totally fine. You're adorable when you sleep.'

I smiled and hid my face between his arm and hip.

'Are you hiding?' he giggled.

I nodded.

'Why? I want to see your beautiful face.'

I looked up and laid my head down on his chest again. He rubbed his hand through my hair.

'Claaaaayyy,' I mumbled.


'You're sweet and beautiful. You're girlfriend was ugly and mean.'

I saw him smile. 'Definitely.'

'Are you sad about it?'


'She is not worth it.'

'She isn't, but I liked her when she did that.'


'No, definitely not.'

'I don't understand why she did that. I would never let you go.'

'Oh will you never?' he asked with a big grin.

I purposely ignored the question and smiled. 'We can football?'

'Do you want to?'

I nodded and stood up. 'Come. I know a good place.'

I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me. He giggled and I ran downstairs.

'Where are you going, George?' his mum asked.


'Have fun boys.'

'Thanks, ma'am,' Clay said.

We walked for a little and I held Clays hand the whole time. We arrived at a small football area and Clay was carrying a ball. I couldn't carry it because it was dirty.

We walked to the field and Clay laid down the ball. 'Do you want me to teach you?'

I nodded and he smiled at me.

'First show me what you can do.'

I kicked the ball, but I completely missed the goal. Clay giggled.

'You don't use your toes, you use the side of your foot.'

I kicked the ball again, still not straight, but it was better.

'Can you show me what you can do?' I asked.

He smiled and nodded. 'Of course.'

He started showing his skills and I got distracted by his amazing looks. He was so extremely beautiful. He showed his skills for a few minutes and kicked the ball towards me.

'Come on, Georgie.'

I kicked the ball back and he ran to catch it.

'Good job,' he yelled. He kicked the ball back and that went on for minutes long, until some guys came up to us.

'Go away, we want to play now,' one of them said.

I got scared and ran towards Clay to hold him tightly.

'Ew, Clay? Are you gay?'

'I am not,' he said. 'Why?'

'You're hugging that stupid guy.'

'Why should I be gay then?'

'You're either friends out of pity, gay or just as idiotic as he is.'

I felt tears coming up in my eyes and hugged Clay tighter.

'I am not gay and he is very sweet. Don't be mean to him.'

'I don't want that autistic boy here.'

I felt tears streaming down my face and I let go of Clay. I started walking away, crying my eyes out.

'Why do you have to be so mean?'

'Clay, we don't want gays in our changing room at football training, okay?'

'I am not gay. He is my friend.'

'Now leave, we want to play.'

Clay ran towards me and we walked away from the sight of his teammates. He hugged me tightly as soon as they couldn't see us anymore.

'Don't cry, Georgie.'

I rested my head on his chest and cried his whole shirt wet.

'I'm so sad,' I whispered.

'Should we go home and watch some videos together? Or draw something?'

My eyes lit up a little and I looked him shortly in his eyes. 'Will you?'

He wiped my tears away and nodded. 'Of course.'

'But you don't even like ice skating,' I said sadly and I felt tears streaming down my face again.

'I do, Georgie. I really enjoy watching those videos with you.'

'Can you draw?'

'A little, not really good.'

'Do you want to draw with me?'

'Of course, Georgie.'

'Can we maybe watch a few videos?'


He wiped away my tears again and rubbed my hair. 'Georgie, don't cry. I will stay with you.'

'But he is mean.'

'He was very mean, you're my friend. You're not stupid.'

'Am I really so weird? I know I'm more like a child, but I can't help it.'

'You're very adorable.'

I smiled and looked at him. 'You're my best friend.'

'You're my best friend too.'

756 words

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