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Clay POV

It was a few days later and my dad and I looked for another club. Today was my first training and I was really nervous. I decided to keep it a secret, but if I noticed they were chill I would maybe directly tell them. I didn't want them figuring it out and hating me after. My dad brought me for my first training and I sighed deeply when I stepped out of the car. I said goodbye to my dad and walked towards the field. The trainer ran towards me.

'Hey, you are Clay?'

I nodded and shook his hand.

'What made you decided to switch mid season?' he asked genuinely interested.

'I uh- I would rather not talk about it.'

He tapped my shoulder and nodded. 'That's fine. What position do you play in?'

I told him my experiences and we talked for a while before the training really started. I walked towards the changing room and it felt like I was getting a panic attack. I calmed myself before walking inside. Everyone was already in there and they stood up, all shook my hand.

'I'm uh- Clay and uh- I think-.'

'Welcome Clay! Welcome to our team. Come change and train with us!'

'I think I won't be changing here, just to make people happy.'

'Huh? We always change together, it's not a big deal.'

Why did I even say that? I hated myself for it. Now I had to tell I liked guys and they would kick me out immediately.

'I uh- I think like- I'm not straight.'

I'm not straight, how dumb could I put it.

'Oh, we don't mind. Come just sit here for a little. Tell us about it.'

'I like boys and uh- yeah. I have been bullied away from my other club.'

'Aww, really? That sucks, dude. We are very accepting, we don't mind at all!'

'I have a boyfriend, so I'm not going to stare at you guys.'

'Aww, what's his name?'


'Oh wait, I think I know him. Is that the guy with the dark brown hair?'

'Yeah, he has dark brown hair.'

'Aww, he is so sweet. He never talks though, I thought he was deaf.'

'Oh no, he has autism. He doesn't know how to communicate with people he doesn't know.'

'How did you're old football club figure it out? Did you tell them?'

'No, they caught me kissing with George.'

'That really sucks, dude. We really don't mind, you can't help it.'

I smiled a little and felt tears in my eyes. 'Thanks everyone. I guess football is my dream, but being gay or bisexual as a footballer, it doesn't happen too often.'

'I guess a lot of people are too afraid to tell someone.'

'Yeah, it's really difficult. The others swore at me and even started to hurt George.'

'Aww, why your boyfriend? That's like so mean.'

'I don't know. George always takes his stuffed animal, a sheep, with him and they just threw it on the ground, I guess.'

'You can take George with you to watch us train if he likes to.'

'He might like that. He only doesn't communicate.'

'That's fine, we will leave him a little!'

'Thank you so much guys, thanks for not being grossed out.'

'Why would we?'

'I mean the others were almost puking when they saw me kiss a boy.'

'Kiss him whenever, it's none of our business. If someone here kisses a girl it's fine too, so why wouldn't we be fine with you kiss a boy?'

'I don't know, I never understood, but I'm bi myself.'

'What is George? Is he also bi?'

'No, he is gay.'

'Aww. You should really bring him here.'

'If you don't make fun of him. The others made fun of him for bringing his stuffed animal, he feels safe with it.'

'We won't laugh at him at all, that's so sweet.'

'He is adorable,' I said. I noticed myself blush and looked away ashamed.

'You can talk about him, don't be ashamed.'

'It feels weird, you know. Being in love with boy with only straight guys around me.'

'I understand it might feel weird, but it's fine. We are okay with it.'

'Thank you so much.'

I quickly checked my phone before training and saw texts from George.

Good luck, I love you❤️

i love u more, they are very positive. u can come and watch me train sometimes if u want🥰
i miss u, georgie

I want to come, can I bring sheep then?

ofc, u can bring sheep too

Can I come today? I miss you

sure sweetie

'Aww,' I heard someone next to me say.

I smiled at him, I was so happy.

796 words

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