The Glimpses

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I wish I could tell anyone

I wish someone could just hear me.

I wish someone could save me

Let me breathe

Just let me be free

I was tired, tired of fighting this battle

I was losing always

I have already lost too many times.

The pain was burning me

All I wanted to do was slit my wrist and die

I just wanted this to end

I couldn't go on with the madness

There was so much I could never get

All because of her

She was the reason behind all this

The worst part was that I was her prisoner

And the only way I could be free was to end her.

End her life

To get mine back

She needed to die to let me bloom

Or else it would be my life for her.


"Serilda, what are you doing out here?" He asked wrapping his hands around my waist as looked ahead into the city. His lips touched my cheeks and I closed my eye in content. It was only his arms that I found solace in. Lately, all I had been doing was leaning towards him. His touch, kisses, and scent made me feel calm and loved.

I hated that he had to go at times leaving me behind and with the expansion of business he had been traveling too much lately. The loneliness I felt behind him couldn't be filled by me alone. I wanted a child but it wasn't happening. He had made me believe that it would happen in its own time, that we will try harder. Each time he said those words I loved him a little more than before.


"Nathaniel," the sudden rush of my name being called had me stop my session with my patient. It was irritating enough to have someone disturb the session and seeing it was my secretary I wasn't really happy at all. The most important thing I hated was her calling me by my name because of the silly crush she had for me. I didn't want anything from anyone why was that hard to get it.

"Yes?" I controlled myself trying not to snap at her in front of my patient.

"Your sister is on the line. She says it's really important." She stood there on the door as I moved from my chair to get the phone. My bet was on the thought of her hearing what was happening.

"You can leave, Eden," I really hated when people meddled in my personal life and this secretary did to a level too bit than a normal did. She looked for a second too long as I stared at her to get her the idea of who was the boss here. It was only when she was gone that I picked up the phone.

"Chyna," I knew her calling was for something important. "What happened?"

"She's at the hospital." I could hear her whispering. "I couldn't believe it with my own eyes but she is here. It's all a big mess, Nathaniel. Everything is a mess and I don't even know why I'm telling you but it's so much worse than I could even imagine. It's just too much to handle for one person."


I'm so excited about writing all this.

While giving you all the glimpses.

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