Chapter 21

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"Remember that you have to act like you are deeply and madly in love with me," I said looking at his reflection in the mirror as I styled my hair. Erik's eyes shot up to look at mine as he adjusted his tie. I could see the sadness turning to anger in his eyes.

"You remember your promise and I will take care of mine," he haughtily replied looking at me. Rather than replying to him, I concentrated on the task in hand of styling my hair. Fifteen minutes later I was ready all the time while Erik was galloping down the mini bar as much he could.

"Let's go," I order walking towards the door.

"I'm not your servant," he shoots up.

"Dearest husband shall we please go," I speak in sickly sweet voice and ends up with him glaring at me. Nothing new in my life I should say. Well not for too long.

Everyone had arrived today and as a part to get to know each other a party was being held. It was really a good idea because I really would like to know everyone, most probably again. The gossip would be just too lovely. Erik's warm hand around my waist startled me. I looked up at him while we kept on walking.

"It's just for pretense," he said giving me a sideways glance. I halted forcing him to stop too. I looked into his eyes only to find determination there. Only if he could have the same determination in his eyes to give me ever a chance to explain it wouldn't have come to this. I wouldn't have become this woman filled with anger and hunger for revenge. Rubbing my thumb over my red lips I smeared some off on his lips.

"Now that makes us look so in love, doesn't it?" I said and his hands went to rub it off of him.

"You wipe it away and I will wipe away my promise," I told him showing him all my teeth's letting him know that I wasn't bluffing. However, he did it anyway. He was just taking me for granted again.

"There's a limit to my suppressing, Serilda. Don't try to bend me to the point that I break and I lose all of my control," he grated out. All the love was love between us and this was what I wanted in reality. I wanted him to make me break my promise. It was needed because if I went by the promise I would have to abide by his rules which would really be not any good for my plan.

"Let's enjoy the show then," I told and walked away only to find Chyna on the way.

"Hey, it's nice to see you again," I greeted in a cheerful manner.

"It is," she replied back with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Everything alright?" I asked with curiosity.

"Yeah," her replies were short and her eyes didn't meet mine. My sister would surely have loved to fill in her ears against me. She just makes everything more exciting

"You are going to the party, right?" I asked.

"I'm," came a short reply.

"May I join you then?"

"Sure, but where is your husband?" she looked around for him but I knew it well he wouldn't be here.

"He said to go ahead. He will be there in the minute and the world says woman taken more time," I chuckled to which she laughed.

"Then let's go," she said and I was sure that she was holding herself back. I just wondered as we walked side by side that what kind of lies were fed to her against me by Serena.

As we entered the party the first person I saw was the beautiful bride to be with my mother fussing over her and why not she was her only daughter because I was never really a one. The incessant chatting came to a halt for a second as everyone's eyes snapped to me and Chyna. Chyna walked towards her family while everyone's eyes were on me. Even my parents and the couples that were busy dancing. It made me feel like God. It seemed really good to have all the attention on me for the first time. One thing I was sure that none of them were happy to see me besides those old ladies of the age of mother who were so good at gossiping. I was going to give them a lot of gossips to do about when all this was over. A hand brushed against mine and an arm snaked around my waist. I knew it was, Erik.

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